Saturday, December 7, 2013

Maternity Photoshoot

We finally had our maternity photo shoot after rescheduling once and almost having to reschedule again due to weather issues both times!  We decided to shoot with Kassidy Baker Photography (check out her website here for some awesome local photography!) and were referred to her by a couple friends of ours.  The first weekend we were supposed to have them taken, it had rained three days in a row, and just wasn't letting up on our scheduled time, so we pushed it back two weeks later.  After two weeks of great weather, the one day of our reschedule came and it was rainy... AGAIN!  Even worse, it was in the low 40's and hadn't been this cold all year.  We decided to cope and bundled up for what I expected to be the worst possible outcome... rain, snow, watery, red eyes and wind to mess up my hair!  I prayed we chose a good photographer in Kassidy, and that she would be able to make these pictures decent enough with some photoshopping!  Needless to say, they came out so much better than I expected and I love all of them!  I'm so happy we decided to take these pictures.  We went back and forth deciding whether or not it was worth taking maternity pictures, and in the end, I figured I would regret not doing it later down the road.  Luckily, I won't have that regret and I'm so happy with the choice of Kassidy to take such great shots!  It makes me sooo excited for her to take our newborn photography once little man decides to make his appearance in the next month or so!!  

Here are a good portion of our maternity pictures to share!!  We took them at the Smith Center when I was 34 weeks and 6 days.  

One of the main reasons we bucked up and took the photos on the absolute coldest day of the year, is because we wanted to use these pictures for our Christmas cards this year.  I ended up with this as our final product to send out to our family and friends!

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