Friday, April 29, 2016

Baby #2 Bump Watch: 37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain: Up 33 pounds, total!
Maternity clothes? Oh yes.  Have to be, and even then, they aren't fitting!  Yikes.  Even though I'm not much of a dress person, I've actually resorted to maxi dresses for the rest of the pregnancy... super easy and no worries about if my belly is going to pop out from the bottom!
Stretch marks? Luckily I've gone this far, yet again, with no stretch marks on my belly!  I did gain a few in my thighs, though.  Bummer!
Sleep: Definitely getting up at least 2+ times a night, usually right around the same times: 1-2AM and again around 4-5AM.  Always to pee.  I think this is just my body preparing me for waking often with a newborn, again!
Best moment this week: Finnnnnallly finishing baby girl's nursery, so it is 100% complete, minus the few cute additions we will put in after she's born, like personalized decor with her birth stats and her newborn pictures.  Also getting all of her laundry done and some more random stuff around the house.  Now we just need to deep clean and pack our bags, and mostly everything will be ready! (But I have to motivate myself, first!)
Miss anything? Sleeping on my belly!  I'm getting tired of side sleeping, for sure.  
Movement: She has decreased in movement which always freaks me out, and Nolan did the same thing towards the end.  All of my doctors reassure me that everything is fine, and she is just running out of room!  I'm excited to see how much she will weigh, because my belly feels heavier than I felt with Nolan and I'm just so much more tired this time around!  Probably also because I'm older and chasing a toddler all day, too!  She does still get her active moments though, where she jabs and pushes and rolls like crazy, and I've finally gotten good videos of the craziness!

Food cravings: Still on my cereal kick, which I eat almost every night, and also loving the Peanut Butter & Fluff sandwiches.  Fluffernutters were a hit, this pregnancy!  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!  Again, another pregnancy that I lucked out with no nausea!
Gender prediction: Oh, it better be a girl!
Symptoms: SO PREGNANT.  I'm tired and sore quite often.  I've been getting the absolute worst ligament pains (more so than early on in this pregnancy) and when it happens, I wonder how much bigger I could possibly get and where she could possibly fit!  Muscle spasms and charlie horses (loosening connective tissue, so I've read) can bring me down in a second, and luckily hasn't happened in public yet, just at home... because I literally go down to the ground!  The reflux is still horrendous in the middle of the night and the decreased fetal movement has had me a little nervous, but as long as I can still feel her when I poke at her and she gives me some surprise moments of super activity, I feel reassured again. 
Looking forward to: The official countdown!  Less than 2 weeks away to finish up everything we need and until we finally get to meet this little lady!  It has felt like this pregnancy has lasted forever up until these last few weeks... and now of course they are going to fly by!  I can't wait to see our family evolve and how Nolan takes to his new little Sissy that he talks about constantly!  

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