Saturday, April 1, 2017

March Happenings

We spent the AM shopping, where Nolan thought the dressing room was super fun and bright, so... photoshoot, obviously!

We're raising another Jeopardy lover, as Acelyn is totally into it when we watch during dinnertime...

Nolan had his first Combo Sports class through the rec center, and the first sport they covered was baseball!  He did great at first and then got a little nervous and didn't want to participate alone. After some convincing, he got back out there and went back at it!  He was actually really good at throwing and seemed like he enjoyed it when he wasn't freaking out about being left alone! 

Little did I know, later that night, he started with a stomach virus that was soon to be passed around our entire household on/off over the next month.  It.was.awful.  So, we spent a lot of this month camped out inside on the couch, depending on who was sick and when!

Acelyn wore piggie tails for the first time and looked way too adorable.

She practiced cruising the furniture and taking a few steps barely holding on to my hand. 

We spent a night at the Queen Bee Market with our friends the Luks and the Espejos, and loved checking out some local small shops as well as chowing down on some Waffle Love for the first time (and definitely not our last).  After our shopping, we all grabbed dinner at Brio at Town Square.  Our entire crew sat outside, where the weather was gorgeous and the kiddos could be crazy.  We love hanging out with them every time- it's always guaranteed a fun time, especially with all of the kids (8 all together...of which elevators can barely fit us all plus strollers!)

The next night, Jason had an event downtown to inspect for work, so we decided to join him for dinner and have our own little adventure while he did his thing after we ate.  We went down to The Park at T Mobile Arena, which is one of our favorite spots to hang out with the kids on the Strip.  When we got there, we saw the Pac 12 games going on, which Nolan instantly got excited about with the giant basketball display.  We made our way to dinner at Shake Shack, and then when Jason split ways to inspect, we headed over to Hershey World, but not before we stopped to play in the waterfalls, first.  When we got to Hershey World, we cashed in on some Hershey Kisses, since there were TONS to choose from! Afterwards, we hung out and ate our chocolate by the waterfalls and Nolan spent about 20 minutes dancing for everyone to see. He thought it was hilarious that people were watching him, and he had some pretty crazy moves.  Acelyn laughed in her stroller and watched him go crazy.  Jason finally met back up with us, and we walked over to the Pac 12 game viewing area, where they had booths and basketball games going on. Nolan loved watching and we spent some time over there before heading back home.  

The next morning, we went out to breakfast at Babystacks, followed by a Sunday Costco trip.

Acelyn showed us how she learned "Up".

I had some prints done for our playroom makeover, and finally got them framed. Before putting them up on the wall, a photoshoot was in the works. 

Nolan got a haircut and gave me all the angles.

Someone learned to climb the stairs.

Acelyn is usually at her silliest during dinner, and this night was no exception... showing off her new trick.

I cleaned the kitchen and showed off our daffodils, which are always a must in early Spring!

We spent some time outside with the nice weather, where Acelyn practiced standing up and posing, and Nolan later pushed her on the swing (which she loves, if you couldn't tell!)

Later that evening, Nolan had Combo Sports class again (we missed the previous week of basketball, because we were sick).  This week, they played soccer, which Nolan did great at and followed directions on his own pretty well.  Acelyn sat on the sidelines and played with the dirt and grass... and was not impressed. 

She learned to sign "all done" (sort of). 

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with some Lucky Charms and a photoshoot (nothing fancy this time around!)

We ate out a lot on the weekend, trying a new donut place across town for breakfast (which was seriously legit... so worth the drive!) and eating at The Habit for dinner that night. 

We finally rented Moana and Nolan sat through the entire movie since he was so pumped for it!  

We played outside more with the gorgeous weather and Acelyn had to collect lemons with all of her lemon gear on. 

I busted out the water table for the kids and they both thought it was the best thing ever!  They played with it for an hour and Acelyn loved to splash in it and suck on the water toys.  Nolan was totally in his zone with pouring over and over.  After they got dried up and cleaned off, we had dinner outside on the patio because it was just that nice out.  We finished dinner with a dance solo from Acelyn. 

Acelyn played in her crib after her morning nap and talked to the pictures on her wall gallery. 

We had a playdate with our friends Jamie, Coen and Shaw at the library, where the boys were hard at work measuring fruits and vegetables and sorting colors. 

We met Grandpa at Sunset Park for a picnic lunch, and the weather took a turn with horrible wind, but we powered through it and played for a bit and fed the ducks, which is always a favorite for Nolan.  

Acelyn jammed out to more songs from Trolls. 

We had a photoshoot with her Peek-a-Whoo bunny to help promote, and Acelyn looked adorable cuddling and snuggling the softest little bunny ever.  

Nolan did a backflip. (Hahah)

Nolan had his last class of Combo Sports where they learned how to play kickball and received a pizza party and their trophies! He was so proud of himself and we were so proud of him, too!

Acelyn decided she could climb all of a sudden and decided to try it out on their table... I never had to worry about Nolan climbing anything, so I think this time around is going to be much, much different...

She found a baby in the mirror and was so sweet to her.

The kiddos played so nicely together and pushed each other on their Plane, while my heart bursted as they don't often play together like this and when they do... I die. 

We had a play date with the Luks at Fun Lane, which was actually our first time going and the kids loved it!  Nolan wasn't timid or scared of this play place at all, so we will definitely be back!

Acelyn is a very snuggly babe, and I randomly got her giving lots of love to Mama on a video. It's definitely not the most flattering, but it 100% shows her sweet, lovey side that I absolutely adore.  (the little hug pats at the end kill me!)

The babes played together again with their plane, so I think it's their new favorite thing to do lately.  As long as they are playing sweetly together, it's a-okay in my book!

And finally, at the very end of the month, Acelyn took her first steps alone and we officially have a walker!  She started on her own with a few steps the night of the 30th.... And by the next morning, girlfriend had it DOWN!  Here comes trouble!

...Until next month!

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