Monday, December 31, 2012

Tis' the Season and December Happenings

December is one of my favorite months of the year because of all the fun things to do and special time to spend with friends and family.  This December was no exception, and we got to enjoy our holidays with everyone important to us.

We celebrated our annual Friendsgiving (this year we celebrated in December, in past years we've celebrated right after Thanksgiving.. hence the name).  Not as many friends were in town this year for our reunion, but we still had a great time seeing everyone who did make it!  We made yummy food and had lots of drinks, as usual.  Any excuse to get together with our friends, eat, and drink is okay in our book!

Christmas tree meat and cheese platter, stolen from Pinterest.

Stacey contributed a taco box.  Totally awesome.


Kuch and Jeremy.

Erik's GQ pose.

Jason being Jason.

I was super proud of a DIY Christmas gift that I made for baby Hudson.  I can't wait to make more of these, even if they take a looooong time to tie together!  It came out perfect and is so soft!

On Christmas Eve day, I spent a girls day with Stacey and Erin.  We had lunch at Secret Pizza in the Cosmo, and also went ice skating at their rink over the pool.  It's always a fun day when I'm with these girls and I love spending any chance I can get with them for long talks and nonstop laughter!  

Yummy Secret Pizza and PBR.  Keeping it classy.

Ice skating at the Cosmo.

Our Christmas usually is spent hopping around family to family.  We spend Christmas Eve with my Mom, Christmas morning is usually spent with us opening gifts from each other, and then my Dad comes over in the early afternoon.  After we spend time with him, we take a trip over to Jason's grandparents, and visit with them and Jason's Dad.  Then we're back over to my Mom's for Christmas dinner.  It's a busy two days but well worth it to get to visit with everyone.  

Our Christmas tree and gifts.

Jason and Harley on Christmas Day

Christmas Day with my boo.

Harley hanging out with the Christmas Nativity at Grandma's house on Christmas Eve.

We also spent some time with the Luks' family on Christmas Day and got to hang out with these two awesome kiddos:

Other random happenings this month:

We got a new Macbook, so Harley took over our old one... he's not spoiled.

Because I had lots of time off with the holidays, Harley and I slept in late and snuggled.

We went out for sushi at Oyshi with Erik and Jason's coworkers one afternoon.  They ate way too much sushi, and I had some amaaazing green tea ice cream and green tea tiramisu. 

For New Year's Eve, we went out to celebrate and ate at Firefly.  It was so good.  I had a few signature sangrias (best ever) and got to look cute, which I don't try to do often, haha!

Happy December!  Here's to what 2013 will bring!

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