Monday, June 16, 2014

First Father's Day!

Jason celebrated his first Father's Day right as we got back from vacation in San Diego.  Before we left for our trip, Nolan helped me make Daddy his card and gift.  We made hand prints in his card so Jason can always remember how small Nolan was for his first Father's Day, and Nolan got to practice writing his name again, just like Mother's Day!  We put together Daddy's gift before we left for our trip, that way it would be all ready to go when we returned.  Nolan helped hold the golf balls while I shredded up the grass paper, and he also enjoyed holding the flag for me while I put together the basket.  Here is our finished product!

On Sunday morning, we woke up, ate some blueberry muffins that I baked, and then Nolan gave Daddy his gift.  He had a fun little golf basket with new balls and a gift certificate for lessons and swing analysis at Golf Galaxy.  Jason is super excited to get that booked ASAP!  

Harley wishing Jason a Happy Father's Day, too!
We spent the day relaxing, watching the U.S. Open and some World Cup games, and also went out to dinner at one of our regular places, Jun's Korean Restaurant.  Nolan wore his Daddy's All-Star shirt and took some really great pictures to celebrate!

We are very thankful for all that this amazing guy does for Nolan and I on a daily basis.  He works extremely hard at giving our family everything and asks for nothing in return.  He works his butt off to allow me to stay home with Nolan, and plans for our future like nobody else I know.  It's safe to say that he takes the absolute best care of us and always puts our needs before his own.  I love watching Nolan's face light up when Jason comes home from work, and the little wiggle dance he does with excitement is the cutest thing!  These two love each other so much, and I'm so happy to have the most amazing role model for my son to look up to.  I know Jason will teach him values and great life lessons because I am constantly learning from him, too.  I appreciate the husband he is to me and the father he has become to Nolan, and we love him so very, very much!

Happy First Father's Day!  We love you!

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