Tuesday, June 3, 2014

May Happenings

This month was quite eventful around the house!  We snapped lots of pictures of Nolan (of course) and got out and did a couple fun things for ourselves, too!

Nolan started the month off by teething realllllly bad, and solved his problem by sucking on his hands. 

The weather started warming up (too hot, too soon!) so Nolan sported his mantank for the weekend.

Nolan learned how to give open mouth kisses and I'm obsessed with stealing them from him.

Nolan wore his mustache onesie and tried out his mustache pacifier to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!

We took lots of selfies during the day one afternoon.

Nolan sat up (completely unassisted for more than 30 seconds) for the first time!  He looked surprised that he could do it all by himself!  We obviously had to document this with our handy Milestone cards, but of course he didn't want to sit up by himself at that time.

We had a lazy morning and grabbed our toes, stayed in bed late and snuggled with the puppy.

The boys spoiled me for my my first Mother's Day!

Nolan has started snuggling with his puppy lovey during nap times, and looks so adorable doing so.

Big boy turned four months old!  He visited Dr. Reddy and received more shots for his immunizations.  He wasn't too happy about them this time, and was quite upset at the doctor's office (the hour long wait to get in probably didn't help, either).  He ran a low fever again, just like his 2 month shots, but we waited it out before treating it with any meds and it started going down the next morning, only topping at 100.8 at it's highest.  By the next afternoon he was back to his normal, happy self!

We met with our friends Jess, Scarlett, and Hudson to say Goodbye to Denise and Abbi who were moving to Utah!  We've had lots of playdates with Denise and her baby girl, as her and Nolan are only 2 1/2 months apart.  We spent some time at the park visiting with each other, and snapped some pictures of the two babies.  We will miss hanging out with them!

Nolan helped with laundry one afternoon and enjoyed playing with Dad's underwear.  Good thing they were clean!

One morning, Nolan woke up in a goofy mood and decided to try out a new laugh. 

I've started a bad habit of shopping on small business sites online (Etsy, Instagram shops, etc).  All of these shops are handmade items and it's very easy to become super addicted to all the millions of cute products out there!  I've bought some bibdanas from some shops (our favorite is our Harley one) and most recently, a few pair of moccasins which are super adorable on Nolan!  It's great because they are lightweight enough for the summer and easy to get on and off his squirmy little feet.  These things can get quite pricey since they are super trendy right now, but I found an amazing shop with quality products, cheap prices and excellent customer service from the owner.  Check out the Etsy site for some adorable moccs if you are in need, you won't regret it!

Nolan looked adorable when he fell asleep on the bed one morning.  He looks like a big boy here, but still such a baby.  These pictures just make me feel so peaceful looking at him snoozing away!

I finished a big project I started a couple months ago, and received the finished photo book of my pregnancy journal with Nolan.  It came out better than I could have imagined and I absolutely love making these books for all occasions, even if it takes a lot of time and hard work.  I included every aspect of my whole nine months, from the moment we found out, our weekly bump photos and updates, ultrasound pictures, baby showers, nursery pictures, and finally his arrival!  These books are going to be amazing memories for our family and I love looking through them on a random day! 

Big boy blew out of his diaper one morning, so we stripped off his clothes, hosed him down, and spent some nakey time in bed (which he loves, even though you can't tell in the second picture).

Nolan rocked a faux hawk after his bath one night. 

Our spoiled little man got a new jumper (because he looked bored in his exersaucer one day) and he had a blast in it for the first time!

Chunky cheeks has a new favorite obsession of trying to eat my iPhone.  He's quick!

I cashed in my Mother's Day gift on Memorial Day since Jason had the day off to watch Nolan, plus the Spa at Green Valley Ranch offers a local discount of 30% off on Monday-Thursdays.  So, I made my way down Monday morning and spent 4 hours at the spa!  The last time I was there, I was 39 weeks pregnant, so I decided I should snap a comparison photo, and WHOA!  What a difference.  I enjoyed an 80 minute massage and spent the rest of the time at the pool.  It was so nice to enjoy some alone time, but I still missed my little dude so much and couldn't wait to get back to see him!

Nolan tried his first taste of solids this month!  For weeks, he had been eyeing our food and watching us eat, plus starting to reach for anything we put to our mouths (food, drinks, cups, etc.), so I figured he was showing signs of readiness to start on solids.  We asked Dr. Reddy at our well check and she gave us the go-ahead to start.  We tried rice cereal first, and Nolan was just so excited he laughed and laughed every time we gave him the spoon to try.  He loved it and wanted more since we only gave him a couple teaspoons to start with.  The next few days he wasn't quite as excited or interested, but we will keep it in our routine so he gets the hang of eating from a spoon.  He still needs a little practice!  We will continue with the rice cereal, then move to oatmeal, and finally start to introduce the fun stuff, like veggies and fruits!

Nolan has become quite obsessed with reaching for everything he can get his hands on, including the camera when it comes time to take pictures!  They do make for some really cute candid shots, though!

Nolan was all smiles, giggling it up one afternoon playing!

He started to get better at tummy time, staying on his belly for longer periods of time and getting close to rolling over!  

While eating one afternoon, little man was acting like a craaaaaazy little man, screaming his lungs off and playing with his food (I'm so in for it):

He spent some time bonding with his puppy, Harley and they took a picture together. 

Nolan took his first selfie all by himself this month.  Oh, technology.  This kid is already obsessed with the iPhone!

Next month will be full of more adventures, enjoying the start of summer and our first road trip as a family of three!  Stay tuned!

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