Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Easter 2018

Easter morning started early, as Nolan ran into our rooms yelling, "I SEE EGGS!"  He could see a few hiding downstairs as he scoped out the scene from the upstairs gate, and ran in to get us all up and out of bed to see what the Easter Bunny brought!

Acelyn knew of the Easter Bunny this year, and as soon as we started talking about him being in our house, she kept saying, "No, no no!  No bunny!" since she was terrified of every "mall" Bunny we came across over the last few weeks.  We had to reassure her that there was NO Easter Bunny in our house, and that he came and left them goodies to open!

They both ran straight to their baskets once we got downstairs, and had happy screams for what they could see inside!  Acelyn went straight for the Water Baby doll that the Easter Bunny brought her, and hasn't put it down since.  She carries this baby  everywhere that I allow her to... and if you see us out and she's not in Acelyn's hand, well, then she's in the car "waiting" for our return.  :) 

The kids were patient and put their baskets aside, so we could egg hunt first and then open our baskets second.  They ran around finding eggs that the Easter Bunny had hid all over downstairs.  Even Acelyn found a couple all to herself, and was so excited to open them and see what was inside! He left the kids Daniel Tiger character figurines, a few with coins, and even a few with some cheerios, candy and a Go Go pouch just for Acelyn!

After they found all of their eggs and surprises inside, we went back to the Easter Baskets to see what goodies were left there.  The Easter Bunny also brought some things to share, like sidewalk chalk and a new game; Mr. Bucket!

Both kiddos also received their summer necessities like new sandals and swimsuits, which the Easter Bunny must be making a tradition of every year!  They both also got some bubble guns, Tsum Tsum chapsticks, and a chocolate bunny.  Nolan added a new Play Doh truck to his collection, while Acelyn received her beloved baby and some pretty necklaces, too!

We had a fun bunny breakfast with pancakes, and after eating, played with our new Easter things.  Mr. Bucket was a hit, and they loved watching it spit their balls back out.  We also busted out the Play Doh to put our new toys to use, and they played for a bit while I cleaned up the kitchen.

Later in the morning, we tried out our bubble guns, and Acelyn loved chasing them while Nolan would pull the trigger for her.  

After a fun morning of playing, we got ready to go to Grandma's house for Easter dinner.  The kids got dressed in their Easter outfits, so of course we had to snap some pictures outside. 

Inside, Grandma spoiled them with more Easter baskets, with lots and lots of fun toys and candy.  We ate a yummy traditional ham dinner, and even though our dessert was smoked out from a spill in the oven on accident, we made up for it with Girl Scout cookies for the win.  Haha!

We had a great, low key Easter day at home, and hope everyone had a special day, too!

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