Friday, June 28, 2013

Breaking the News... Work Announcement!

We currently have another girl at work that is pregnant, and it has been a long kept tradition at the surgery center that once someone becomes pregnant, it's no surprise to find another one following suit (sometimes even more than one)!  With that being said, I decided to make my announcement having something to do with "Don't drink the water!"  I ran with the idea and came up with this way to announce my pregnancy at work!

I placed it strategically over the sink, as well as left some treats for everyone to enjoy.  And no, I'm not having twins.... not knowing the gender yet, I used both pink and blue, but I think some people thought I had both in my belly! 

It was fun getting creative and sharing the news for the first time with people other than our close friends and family.  Pretty soon, we'll be announcing to the world!  Be on the lookout for yet another fun announcement!

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