Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Nolan's Three Month Update

Nolan has been in the world for three whole months already!  He is one quarter of a year old... Whoa!  He is a very happy baby who is always smiling and is so content most of the time!  He's been extra great on outings with Mom and Dad, and with the recent company we've had in town, he's been spending lots of time away from the house and has done great with all of these encounters.  As long as he's fed on time, gets a decent nap and a clean diaper... this kid is easy peasy!  He loves to smile and laugh, and enjoys talking up a storm with anyone who is willing to listen.  He's reaching many milestones and continues to work on others.  Tummy time is still terrible for him, which has left us to be quite creative with ways to help build his neck muscles and get him off of his back and head (only for sleep).  He's developed quite a flat spot on his head, so we're trying everything we can to make sure we don't contribute to it.  He spends all of his day awake sitting up on the couch, our laps, being held upright on our shoulders, and playing in his exersaucer, bumbo and bouncer chair.  He has gotten very strong at sitting against things and can sit straight up, and can even handle a few seconds by himself with no help or anything to lean on, but still topples over after a second or two with that.  We practice time in the Britax carrier and have started play dates at the park since the weather has been nice!  Here are some other updates for baby boy:

Height, Weight, and Sizes: 
Little man is continuing to chunk up in size!  We don't have an official weigh-in or percentiles this month (no well check until 4 months), but based on our rough estimates at home (scale and tape measurer), it looks as if Nolan is about 14 pounds and 24 inches long.  He has moved up again in both clothes and diapers!  He is now filling out a Size 2 diaper, and his clothes are very random!  He fits in some 0-3 months onesies still, but mostly 3-6 months.  Pajamas are 3-6 months, but lately it's been so hot we've been wearing onesies to bed with a swaddle!  His shorts and pants are anywhere from 3-6 months and even a few pairs of 9 months shorts!  We've struggled with finding a happy medium between waist and length of pants and shorts lately.  If the waist fits, the pants or shorts are usually too long for our shorty.  Mom has gotten creative and rolled lots of bottoms... they look cute either way!  

Nolan's feeding schedule has changed a lot over the last month.  We've tried switching to numerous different schedules and finally have sort of found one that's working for us!  A few weeks ago, when Nolan wasn't finishing his bottles at every feeding, we tried switching straight to a 4 hour schedule, and that was a disaster.  Nolan was a wreck and cried and cried.  I couldn't stand seeing him so sad and it just didn't feel right, so we went back to our original 3 hour schedule during the days.  A little later, I was brave enough to try again, and switch to a 3.5 hour schedule.  This seemed to work much better, and he was consistent on drinking all of his bottle and seemed content with the time between feedings.  The hard part was figuring out a nap schedule from the evening hours of 5-10PM.  After lots of trial and error, we've gotten into a routine (for the last week or so) of eating 5 ounces at 6:30AM, 10AM, 1:30PM, 5PM, 8PM, and a top-off at 10:30PM.  I have been waking him at 2:30AM (I know, I'm crazy, right!) up until last night, which I let him sleep through as long as he could... which he did (more below)!

Nolan switched to medium flow nipples on his bottle (since the slow flow were for babies, apparently he's a big boy now), and he's consistently taking 5 ounces (sometimes 4, rarely 6).  He's learning to help feed himself by putting his hands on his bottle, but can't quite get a strong enough grasp yet to hold it up himself.  Mom and Dad are still good for something!

I'm still pumping like a madwoman, and producing equal enough milk to store that Nolan takes in.  Holy cow (literally, that's what I feel like, I produce so much milk)!  Our chest freezer is filling up fast, which is a great thing!  I am also still pumping during the night, which again, once we get this schedule figured out comfortably, I plan on readjusting my pump schedule to finally get some shut-eye for more than 4 hours at a time!  So exciting! 

We're continuing our 3.5 hour schedule and are still following the EASY schedule (eat, activity, sleep, your time).  Nolan has completely improved on being nice and awake after each one of his feedings during the day, so that issue is behind us!  He consistently naps for 1.5 - 2 hours for each of his naps.  Our routine with the 3.5 hour schedule lets Nolan get plenty of sleep... which is what he always likes!  He wakes at 6:30AM and eats, and then goes right back to sleep with me until 9:30-10AM for his next feeding.  His morning nap is at 11:30AM, and his afternoon nap is at 3-3:30PM, both of which he sleeps easily for a good 1.5 - 2 hours in his crib.  Our tricky time is from 5-10PM which is what we are working with currently.  He eats at 5PM, and can't make it to his next feeding at 8PM without a quick catnap in between.  After a lot of trial and error (like stated before), I allow him to nap usually around 6:30PM and wake him at the latest at 8PM.  We then do feed, bottle, bath and PJs, and have him down again for "bedtime" at 9PM.  He tops off at 10:30PM and had been sleeping until 2:30AM, where I would wake him and feed him once more.  As of last night, to my surprise (not really, I kind of expected it), he slept all the way through with no waking!  He went down at 10:45PM and woke up at 6AM this morning.  He tossed and turned a bit throughout the night, and of course my mommy sense was super sensitive, also waking every hour or so to peek over and check on him, but he did it!  Now that I know he can sleep through, we will definitely be letting him sleep all night as long as he gets a good amount of calories during the day!  We will also be working on getting rid of that catnap in the evening so he's nice and tired for his full night of sleep come bedtime.

Nolan still sleeps swaddled, which is another change we will be making in the next few weeks... getting rid of the swaddle!  He sleeps, but not as sound without it, so it will be an adjustment for him to make.  He has started to roll onto his side while sleeping (his right side only), so most mornings and after long naps, I find him completely on his side.  Although I'm afraid of him rolling over and not being able to roll back from being face down, it is comforting to know that our lack of tummy time isn't hindering his rolling milestone.  He takes all of his naps in his crib, but still sleeps in the Pack N' Play at night with us.  Once we get rid of that night feeding, we'll consider moving him to his room for full time crib sleeping!  (Boo... this will be harder on Mommy than on baby, I'm sure!)  

Someone is super happy he slept through the night!

Firsts & Milestones:
-Bath without newborn sling (sitting in baby tub)
-Scream/yell in happiness and frustration
-Drooling up a storm 
-Sitting in his Bumbo chair
-Standing when pressure is put on his feet 
-Holding his bottle (starting to, can't without our help still)
-Belly laughs
-Sitting in highchair 
-Sitting up against furniture without assistance 
-Finding his feet
-Makes razzing noise
-Meeting the Easter Bunny
-Rolling/Sleeping on his side
-Finding/playing with his tongue
-Playing in his exersaucer 
-Clutches and brings items to mouth
-Visited Great-Grandpa's house

-Playing Hands, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 
-Eating/chewing on his hands
-Laughing at himself in the mirror
-Rookie the Bear (still his favorite)
-Photoshoots (monthly and weekly updates, especially) 
-Seeing Mom or Dad first thing in the morning (biggest smiles of the day!)
-Playing with toes
-T.V. and the newest obsession- watching himself on Mommy's iPhone camera
-Putting on lotion in the AM and after his bath at night

-Tummy time (for any length of time... still... ugh!)
-Being woken up
-Getting put initially in the carseat (once he's in the car, he's fine)
-Diaper changes
-Baths are still somewhat nerve-racking for him in his baby tub... we're working on it!
-Burps and spit-ups

Showing off his sitting up by himself skills... still a little wobbly!
Nap time is right around the corner...
Happy 3 Months, Nolan!  We can't wait to see what the next month has in store for you!

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