Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Baby #2 Bump Watch: 28 Weeks

Oh, hi there, 3rd trimester!  Hallelujah! 

How far along? 28 Weeks
Total weight gain: I think I've only gained a pound or two since our last update... so maybe around 17 or 18 total!
Maternity clothes? Still always in leggings (don't judge me) and yes, some maternity tees and some regular.
Stretch marks? Still nothing, hoping I can last another whole pregnancy with nothing! Let's cross our fingers!
Sleep:  Definitely sleeping soundly since I'm always tired, but I do wake up multiple times a night to pee, already!  It's usually at least once and sometimes as much as three times a night.
Best moment this week: Finally feeling more energized and productive with getting things done around the house, both baby and non-baby related.  This is the point in my pregnancy with Nolan that I started getting the urge to organize and clean, rather than "nest", and the same exact thing is happening again.  I want to organize and purge EVERYTHING in our house!  Which is nice for cleaning, but not so nice for my exhaustion!
Miss Anything? I recently was missing cookie dough (with raw egg), so I made my own special eggless cookie dough that tastes just as yummy!  Speaking of...I should probably make another batch...

Movement: Yes!  She has already graduated from pokes and prods to rolls and huge movements.  You can definitely see and feel from the outside, can't miss it.  There are moments that she shocks me with such force I literally jump from being surprised.  She also likes to change up her position and consistency from day to day.  I've noticed one day she will be so active that she's hurting me, and the next she will be very quiet and not so active.  She also likes to sit extremely low and really shocks my cervix on some days (lower than I ever felt with Nolan), while other days she sits higher and rolls around my stomach like crazy.  She's definitely much more active than Nolan was, which has me a little worried that she's going to be even crazier on the outside! :)
Food cravings: Cereal is definitely my jam this pregnancy.  I go through a box every three or four days and eat it pretty much every night around 9-10PM.  Favorites lately have been Corn Pops, Coco Puffs, Life and Honeycomb.  Super healthy, I know.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender prediction: Girl!

Symptoms: Feeling much more pregnant even earlier than I felt like I was getting big and tired with Nolan... maybe it's a second pregnancy thing?  I've had a terrible pain in my left side rib, right under my breast... which I first thought was due to my constant cold and terrible cough I had with it- I thought I may have bruised a rib or pulled a muscle.  At my latest appointment, the doctor explained that it was more than likely muscle pain and could be from the stretching and growing, and since that appointment, it hasn't let up.  Hoping it's just something as simple as my ribs extending outwards due to my growing belly, but man, it is SO painful, especially when I move just the right way, cough, laugh, etc!

Another newsworthy event at our 26 week appointment, was that I failed the glucose tolerance screening because I vomited all over the doctor's office hallway... yep, that happened, and yes, it was that embarrassing.  The lab tech instructed me to chug the glucose drink as fast as I could to make it easier (which I never had a problem with Nolan, as I also had more time to drink it with Nolan, too though...) so I'm thinking it just didn't sit well due to the chugging.  I barely made it to the hour mark and had to cancel the test, and am currently waiting to hear from them if I need to reschedule or if there are other alternatives to drinking the glucola, because I'd realllllly hate to throw it up for a second time!  The good news- I wasn't alone- two other mamas also got sick and threw up while I was there! Something was definitely in the air... Here's to round two (or hopefully, not!)
Belly Button in or out? Definitely out, and it's not going back anytime soon.
Looking forward to: Scheduling our 3D/4D ultrasound in the next few weeks to see what little Miss looks like! (We figured we did it for Nolan, so we should do it for her, too!)

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