Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Baby #2 Bump Watch: 33 Weeks

To update before we get into the stats.... We had a fun little Labor & Delivery visit due to some contractions a couple weeks ago!  I had been experiencing tons of Braxton Hicks on Thursday night, which wasn't anything surprising, but wasn't the most comfortable thing while just sitting and watching TV that night with Jason.  Her movement was also more muted than normal, so that was another flag that seemed off, to me.  I chugged a ton of water before we went to bed, and thought I just needed some extra rest and all would be fine come morning.  I woke up at 4:30AM with the worst cramping that would come and go, some mild back pain that would also come and go, and as the wave of pain continued into 5:30AM, and then 6AM... I started to think, maybe I should time these!  Sure enough, the contractions were decently regular, happening every 5-12 minutes.  Because they weren't super close together in time, I stayed put and told myself just to relax and drink more water. I told Jason to expect a call if it continued so he could meet up with me, and he went off to work while Nolan and I hung around the house, watching lots of Sesame Street and just laying around.  The contractions stopped, but started up again after breakfast around 9:30AM.  Her movement was still not as active as it usually is during her "wake" periods, which worried me a little bit since she is pretty regular with when I can feel her more times than others.  I was still somewhat doubtful that they were actually contractions, but I figured I'd rather be safe than sorry, and it wouldn't hurt to head down to L&D just to get checked out and sent home.  I called ahead of time to make sure Nolan could come with me until Jason could meet me, and they told me to get down as soon as I could based on the symptoms I had told them on the phone.  When we got there, they hooked me up to the monitors while Nolan chilled with the iPad next to me, and sure enough, the nurse explained my contractions were pretty regular and that they were going to keep me for a bit and hydrate me with an IV.  As much as this made me nervous, I also felt a little relieved to know that my Mama instinct was right on with something not being right!  Jason made it down not long after we arrived, and the on-call doctor came and checked my cervix to make sure I wasn't dilating.  With zero dilation and my cervix high and closed, they tested for a culture to predict my risk for Pre-term labor.  This also came back negative as well as the urine test results, so the good news is that I wouldn't have to worry about this being an on-going thing due to an increased risk of PTL.  Once my IV was finished, the nurse came back to read my vitals and baby's, and my contractions were still happening and still regular, so they decided to give me a shot of Tubertaline to stop the contractions.  They warned me it would raise my heart rate and make me feel really anxious... and for the first 10 minutes, I felt completely normal... but then it hit, and I felt like I was completely on crack!  It was a crazy feeling and I was dreading having to get another shot if the contractions didn't stop.  Fortunately, after another 45 minutes, my contractions were gone and they let me go home.  For the remainder of the day, I continued to have some contractions but nothing regular or timeable and not within the "5 in an hour" that they advised I come back for if I experienced that.  By the next day, I was back to normal and haven't had any painful contractions like those, since.  

I'm so glad I trusted my gut and paid a visit, otherwise this could have gone in a totally different direction!  Scary. So far everything has been fine and normal since, and we're just hoping she stays put until at least full term or longer.  They never gave a reason as to why contractions started, and said sometimes these things just happen.  Hopefully they won't happen again any time soon!  Anyways... back to our regular update (with a DUE DATE!  Read below)!!

How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain: About 25 pounds as of last weigh-in!
Maternity clothes? Mostly only maternity clothes... even of which some are getting too tight already!  It's that weird point in pregnancy to deal with what I have left for another month or so, or buy new ones.... which let's be honest... I'll probably just hang out in workout shorts and random tees and tanks for the next month!
Stretch marks? Still none!
Sleep:  Still sleeping well, minus rotating positions... yikes, this belly is getting too big!
Best moment this week: Getting the call today to confirm our scheduled C-Section date!  Woohoo!  It looks like little lady will be making her appearance on May 12th!  Hopefully she will stay put, but who knows with this little active one!
Miss Anything? Sub sandwiches this week- definitely been missing Port of Subs!
Movement: Lots and lots of jabs and uncomfortable rolls and pokes.  The sweet, enjoyable movements have translated into large rolls, stretches, body parts poking... basically she has no room already, so I'm not quite sure where she's going to go for the next month and a half!  
Food cravings: Ham and cheese Port of Subs please.  Oh, and I totally snuck about 5 bites of a Costco hot dog from Nolan this week.  I've been good at staying away from the "No" list of typical foods, but I just couldn't resist.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender prediction: No more predicting... it's a girl!

Symptoms: Definitely feeling huge and pregnant.  Exhaustion has already kicked in and I'm so tired come dinnertime, let alone bath and bedtime for Nolan.  Zero motivation to get things done after he goes to bed, so I just veg out on the computer or catch up on TV.  This contradicts my absolute urge to get things done for baby... I feel like I constantly have a check list in my mind of things that neeeeeeed to get done NOW and it drives me nuts just constantly thinking about them, even if it doesn't make sense to do it so early still (washing her clothes, laundry, setting up the swing, deep cleaning the house, you know... all those things).  I had similar nesting symptoms with Nolan, making lists and checking things off of them, but not until much closer to my due date.  Reflux is at an all time high and I'm popping Tums in the middle of the night like crazy, waking up at least twice to pee, feeling like I need an invisible rope to get up from the couch, bed, floor, etc.  Braxton Hicks happen every now and then, so I try to chug tons of water when I feel them and sit back as much as I can with a 2-year old, and as you read above... the real deal contractions gave us a little scare in Labor & Delivery, but haven't come back since (that I know of).  Oh and I'm exhausted, did I mention that?  ;) 
Looking forward to: Trying our hand at our own maternity pictures (we'll see how that goes!) and getting more things off of my mental checklist checked off!  

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