Saturday, March 11, 2017

Acelyn: 10 Months

Double digits!  WHY!?  Acelyn must know she's creeping up onto her first birthday because she's gone through a huge leap these last two weeks of learning new things and acting less baby-like and more toddler like... which is always bittersweet!

Acelyn has a newfound love for pointing, and will show you anything she sees interesting by "Oooooh"ing and pointing in the direction she wants you to look.  Sometimes she uses her finger, but most times she uses a bent hand, which is the funniest looking thing!  She is really into picture frames and wall art, and she loves to look at them all around the house, her favorites being the wall collage in her and Nolan's room.  She also adores the tassel garland hanging above her closet, and we make it a point to touch it at least 4343729432 times a day.  She will point to the TV if it is off and she wants it on, or even more, if a show has ended from the DVR and it's paused and she wants another on (i.e.: Sesame Street).  She is definitely much more a T.V. kid than Nolan ever was, and although I feel a little guilty, I also feel a little sigh of relief knowing she may be a kiddo who will actually sit back, relax and watch a movie  (whereas Nolan still can't sit and watch a full movie to this day!) and give a little break to our day!

Her "talking" is constant and this girl always is babbling away, but she favors and keeps to the 'B' sounds lately.  She once was able to say Dada, but instead, she calls Daddy a weird variation of "Beb, beb".  She uses these different variations for different words, and I am probably the only one who even notices a difference, but she can distinctly say "Ba-ba" for milk,  and she identifies Harley or any other dog as "Bup-bup".  Since day one, we've always referred to Nolan as "Bro bro" as his nickname, and I can also hear a variation in her sounds when she identifies him as "Bra-bra". She can also say "Uh!" for "Uh Oh!" when she throws something or something falls, as well as says "Up" and knows how to raise her hands above her head to signify this, and we're working on "All done" in sign language since it's similar- she's done it a couple times but nothing repetitive to show that she's mastered it yet.

She is all over the place with her activity, and most recently has started cruising furniture and even scaling the walls to get where she wants to go.  She can push her walker around everywhere, but also knows that she's faster at crawling.  She can pull herself up onto most things well and has also learned to climb the stairs with us close behind.  She absolutely loves to hold your hands to walk and thinks it's the funniest thing if you face her while doing so.  When she falls, she usually giggles, and signals to get right back up and try again.  She can handle walking and has the movement down, but the second you let go she tumbles.  This girl has zero balance on her own and can stand by herself but only on select occasions and just for a second or two, so she needs to practice that before she's even close to begin taking independent steps.

Acelyn loves playing with her brothers toys, especially pushing cars and trucks around.  If it's a baby toy she's usually not interested, knowing her brother's toys are way more fun because they are for older kids!  She is newly into opening and closing things, whether they are doors, drawers, or books, and has learned to play catch and throw back and forth.  Throwing is a definite favorite and she loves to see the result of what different toys sound like on the tile when she throws them.  She continues to love to dance and can always be found waving her hands, clapping or shaking her head when music is on, and has a new love for the Trolls soundtrack.

She is still a happy go lucky babe with just the right amount of spice to her sassiness.  As each month goes on, I keep telling myself she's going to be a handful when she's two!  She has the best personality and really hits on all levels of it, but my favorite is her sweetness when she loves to cuddle and give kisses.

Here's what else Acelyn has been up to:

Height, Weight and Sizes:
No official weigh in until her first birthday, so we'll be winging it on these measurements until then!  I would say she's probably under 18.5 pounds, because she doesn't feel much heavier than before, plus being sick at the end of last month didn't help, either!  She still only has two teeth and her hair is growing little by little each month, getting thicker in the back and starting to sport a little rat tail in the back, which when wet, is the cutest little curl.  She's quickly growing into all 12 month clothing and I recently just packed away all of her 9 month pajamas, so she must have had a growth spurt in length because we had to buy all new 12 months in those!  Warmer weather on the way means spring shopping, and we've been doing our fair share lately in tees and gearing up for bathing suit season!  Can't wait!

Acelyn continues to eat solids in both puree form and finger foods, and not much in schedule or variety has changed since last month!  She has tried a few new foods, such as scrambled eggs (which she loved and is probably one of her favorite things to eat now) and we even let her taste ice cream already!  She tried Freddy's chocolate custard and at first, was a bit shocked at the coldness and consistency, but once she realized what it was, she definitely wanted more and more!

She continues to nurse on her regular schedule just like last month.  Since being sick, especially when I was sick, I was worried she wasn't taking in enough milk because I had noticed a decline in my production, so I tried giving her multiple bottles, but she refused on every occasion to no avail.  Sooo, it looks like girlfriend doesn't like those anymore so we'll be trying to reintroduce them if we really feel the desire, or just let it be until she weans after her birthday, anyway.

Acelyn continues the same schedule as last month, napping twice a day for at least an hour each (on a good day), and typically an hour and a half in the afternoon.  She wakes up in the morning and now climbs to stand in the Pack N' Play to say Good Morning right next to me, usually by letting out a screech or grunt if I'm not already awake.  She has favored going down before 8PM rather than after like we usually do, so we're striving to aim for an earlier bedtime routine as the months go on.

Pulling things off shelves
T.V. and movies, will point and ask for it to be turned on if it's paused
Sesame Street, Daniel Tiger and Trolls are favorites
Opening and closing doors
Pulling herself up onto things
Chase crawling with Nolan
Animals, specifically dogs and birds when she sees them in person
Pointing at pictures around the house to look up close at them
Wooden wind chimes and tassel garland in her bedroom
"Sesame Street" theme song and the Trolls soundtrack
Pointing, in general
Scambled eggs and pasta are favorites
Walking with assistance all over

Being put in the carseat
Getting wiped up after dinner
Being taken out of the bath tub
Diaper changes and getting dressed
Being away from Mama

Happy 10 Months, baby girl!

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