Saturday, December 2, 2017

November Happenings

We started November 1st off with candy inventory... and the kids were allowed to eat candy before breakfast for their one allotted day of the year.  (Don't worry, Acelyn didn't eat all of those lollipops... just unwrapped and carried them everywhere... and was so happy about it!)

On the weekend, we grabbed donuts and Starbucks before hitting some errands, where Acelyn wore her breakfast and was a goof, and the clouds were scattered throughout the sky to make for a beautiful morning. 

Nolan looked like such a big boy around the house and played with his construction site set, which has been a current fav. 

Acelyn was all about "No, no no!" and "Cheeeeeeeeese" one night after a messy dinner. 

We ran some errands while Nolan was in Preschool, and Acelyn found her new bestie at Home Goods and didn't want to say Bye to him when we had to leave. 

We had time to spare, so we snacked in the back of the car, enjoying the weather and passing some time until picking Nolan up from school. 

While he was at PreK, Nolan painted an Iguana for learning the letter "I". 

Acelyn slept curled up in the sweetest ball, and then had me swooning over cheeks and toes when she flipped over later in the night. 

We took our fall pictures at Red Rock Canyon, and the kids loved playing in the amazing fall leaves!

At Preschool, Nolan made a paper plate turkey and earned 7 links on his kindness chain for Good Manners Week!

Another Saturday came and another donut date and errand running ensued.

Jason worked late one night during the week, so I braved the crowds and took the kids solo to Ethel M's Cactus Garden.  Although it was busy and they were running around crazy, I managed and they had a blast checking out all the lights while sipping our hot chocolate.  I may not have been able to take the greatest pictures of them, especially since wild child Acelyn darts at every opportunity, but we had fun and I love getting to make holiday memories with my babes!

Acelyn lounged around the house while I did some laundry and Nolan was at PreK.  When he came home, he showed us his Pilgrim he crafted, and we also received his Progress Report that showed Nolan meeting all his standards, which made us super proud!  

The sunset was fire red one evening while checking the mail... fall sunsets are the best this time of year!

The kids have gotten spoiled with empty boxes due to online Christmas shopping, and they've found a love for coloring on and inside of them... and keeps them entertained forever.  That's a win in my book!

Harley watched Acelyn eat her snack and waited patiently for something to drop....

Thanksgiving morning came upon us, and Acelyn felt festive by carrying around the decorative turkey all morning long.  I tried snapping some pictures of them together for their morning outfits, but Acelyn decided she had way too much going on for a photoshoot and refused to stay still, so I caught her while she geared up for dinner during nap time. 

Grandma came over right after naps, shortly followed by Pop, and we all talked and played while waiting for our turkey to cook and my mom and I finished up sides.  The kids were obsessed with a quick Turkey Scavenger Hunt I printed off of Pinterest, and will be sure to do every year, as it kept them super entertained as each of us took turns to hide some turkeys and they would run around after and try to find them!  

We had another delicious turkey and Thanksgiving Day, with lots to be thankful for in our life this year! 

The next day, we wasted zero time busting out the Christmas decorations and getting to spreading the Christmas spirit around the house!  Acelyn was particularly fond of these beads that she played with for the longest time. 

Nolan thought trying on stockings as boots was one of the funniest things in the world. 

We put up the kids' tree, and they were extra particular about where their ornaments should be placed (i.e.: in a cluster together).  

The next day, we conquered the family tree, and the kids were actually great big helpers with the ornaments and placing them on the bottom.  After the kids were in bed, we watched some holiday movies and took in the Christmas vibe from the front room... one of my very favorite parts of this time of year!  

I finished decorating around the house over the weekend, and am obsessed with our new letter board sign that I can change for every holiday!

We took a walk in the evening to check out the Christmas lights in our neighborhood, and our street is shaping up to be pretty festive! 

Nolan received his first school pictures when he returned to PreK the next week, and although he had just gotten over a cold the week of photos, he still looked SO big and cute in his first official school photo! 

While Nolan was at school, Acelyn got in some much needed My Gym time before we go on a long break for the holidays.  We'll miss our My Gym time but hope to sign back up again in the New Year, because even though Acelyn was hit or miss on activities and being "friendly" with her instructors, she was really starting to warm up and it was a great way to spend some one on one time with my little lady while Nolan is in school! 

We received more packages, which meant more boxes and more coloring and flashlight exploring!

Acelyn examined the tree and made sure all the ornaments were there by counting them... all the way to five!

Nolan had another Preschool day, where he made a Ladybug and a Lion puppet for the letter L. While he was learning about all things 'L', Acelyn and I did some window shopping at At Home, where she fell in love with these blow up penguins.  

We ended our month with the least flattering photo ever.... but the love in her face gives me all the feels in this picture! 

...Until next month!

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