Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April Happenings

Spring has settled in Vegas and we've been trying to enjoy lots of things outdoors to soak in the nice weather while it lasts and before it gets too crazy hot!  

Stacey came into town again this month, so we went downtown to check out some country singers that were in town for the ACM Awards.  Fremont Street had Sunny Sweeney, Joe Nichols, Kip Moore and Gary Allan performing for free, so we caught some of their shows and hung out downtown.  We also checked out a new bar in the Fremont East district, Park on Fremont, grabbed some food and some drinks, and continued our night bar hopping downtown.  It's always great when Stacey comes into town, we always have so much fun together and I love my bestie!

Jason and Aaron

Spring always means I get to buy loads of daffodils for super cheap, so I splurged on some at Fresh and Easy one afternoon:

Since Harley did so well at Bark in the Park last month, we decided to take him on another outing, this time to Pet-A-Palooza!  A local radio station (Mix 94.1) hosts this festival every year.  There is live music, food, and lots of vendors from local shelters and rescues to many different pet suppliers and homemade treats.  This year it was held at Sunset Park and there were a TON of people and their dogs there.  Harley was a little bit overwhelmed.  He barked only a few times, mostly because he was a little off guard with so many other dogs around.  Overall he did really well, but wanted to stay close to mom and dad the whole time we were there.  

Harley's on his way to Pet a Palooza!

Beach Bums Hawaiian Ice finally opened back up this month, so we enjoyed our first snow cones of the year!  This little snow cone shack is right down the street from us, so we go quite often during the spring to fall.  It's the perfect dessert for a summer night!

My mom got to babysit these little cute things one weekend this month.  She works at an elementary school, and every year they hatch eggs for the kids.  Once the babies are hatched, they need care 24/7, so teachers and staff volunteer to take care of them on the weekends.  This weekend my mom happened to be the lucky one to get all of them!  They are way too cute and snuggly.  Harley thought they were food though, so I don't think it would work out for us to raise chickens any time soon...

I finally finished a Pinterest project that I've been waiting to do for months.  I'm not the best green thumb and have pretty bad luck with plants, but I've been wanting to plant something around our house for some decor in the backyard.  I searched through Pinterest and found lots of different ideas for succulent planting.  So one weekend, Jason and I went to Star Nursery to buy a tree for our front yard, and I finally took the time to select the succulents I wanted and got to planting!  I'm so happy with how they came out, I just hope I can keep them alive!

When we weren't spending time outside, we were holed up inside for a whole weekend watching The Walking Dead.  We started from Season One and watched it all the way through (we may have sat on our couch for a reallllllly long time and achieved nothing for a whole day... or two).  We're hooked and now we can't wait for Season 4.... Hurry up October!

That's it for the month of April!  Until next month! 

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