Tuesday, February 10, 2015

January Happenings

January was another busy month with rounding out the holiday season and celebrating Nolan's first birthday party!  Here is a glimpse at what our first month of 2015 brought us....

Nolan started off his month with lots of giggles and belly laughs!

I found Nolan sleeping super stretched out for a nap one afternoon:

He got his second shot for his flu vaccine and was awarded with a toothbrush (random), but he absolutely loved it and played with the wrapper on our ride home.

He rode his giraffe rocker lots and lots this month and is obsessed with this toy (thanks again, Chels, Allen & Everette!)

Harley had a mini photoshoot while Nolan and Daddy read books one night.  He is still our spoiled fur baby!

I caught Nolan sleeping with his booty in the air for the first time!

While I was crafting one afternoon, Nolan decided to help me out with some yarn and tangled himself up in it.  He thought it was super fun and hilarious, and he was so adorable playing in it!

He followed Daddy around one weekend, learning to "kick" balls.

Nolan has become a fan of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and started with clapping to the Hot Dog Dance!  Now he does a full on dancing hop to it.

My little baby has become such a sweet Mama's Boy lately and will constantly give kisses and hugs... and I melt!

He opened a birthday present a day or two early from Aunt Denise and Uncle Georges that came all the way from France.  He loves his animal sounds puzzle (and socks!) and plays with it lots!

We celebrated Nolan's actual birthday on the 14th by keeping his actual birth"day" pretty low key, since we would be having his big party on the weekend with all of our friends.  In the morning, we had some birthday cinnamon rolls (he had never had them before) and he gobbled a whole one up, real quick!  We attended our weekly Gymboree class and made a special trip to the park to swing for the birthday boy.  I took some pictures of my ONE year old with his birthday sign that we printed from The Petite Lemon (awesome printable!), and he hammed it up for the camera.  That night, Grandma came over and we opened some presents from her and Jason and I, and then had some dinner with a special birthday dessert, Sprinkles Cupcakes!  Nolan's very own cupcake was a cinnamon sugar cupcake... which we totally spaced the fact that it had no frosting on it!  He wasn't too into it anyway, and wasn't too sure what to think of it but did get a few bites in here and there.  He got some fun new toys and couldn't wait to share them with his friends on the weekend!


Nolan's first birthday party was a blast and we celebrated with our friends and family!

He had a blast with his leftover birthday balloons, and we are obsessed with these dachshund balloons that I found online.  They were a hit with all of the kids at his party and last forever inflated!  (and don't worry, we don't treat our real dog this way at home... eek!)

Stacey was in town for Nolan's birthday (because she's the best auntie ever to make a trip just for his party!) so we went out with our friends over the long weekend while Grandma watched Nolan.  We spent some time downtown, had dinner, drinks and played some fun outdoor games at the Gold Spike.  It's always a blast when Stacey is here and I love having her visit... she's like a sister to me, so we always pick up right where we left off!  Miss you, Stace Face!

Nolan turned 12 months old and we had his 12-month well check and ended up waiting for over two hours at his doctor's office.  This isn't usually the case, but they had about 20 walk-ins early in the morning and were still playing catch up when our appointment was scheduled.  Luckily I brought snacks and we had a little photoshoot during our wait!

Nolan learned how to climb the stairs and has really improved his climbing skills ever since.  He still needs help on the top steps, and refuses to crawl up on the top, rather needs something to hold on to instead (your hand, the railing or the wall).

Nolan played peek-a-boo in his bath towel before PJ time one night!

Nolan learned the word and motion for "up" and ever since, has been asking for "Up" when Mommy is cooking dinner or busy with another activity to take attention away from little man..

The weather has been warming up quickly, so we've been spending some more time outside and at the park.  Nolan loooooooves the swings (loves is an understatement, he is crazy about them), giggles and screams with excitement when he is on and cries when we have to go off of them.  

We've also had our fair share of tantrums this month.... poor baby looked super adorable in his tool belt and cow slippers but just wasn't happy that he couldn't get on Dusty by himself.  Teething also played a large part in little man's grumpy moments.

Nolan learned to blow on his food, and made sure every bite was cooled off while eating his peas and carrots.  He could eat veggies for daaaaaaays and would choose those over any other foods- sweets, cheese, bread.... anything.  I'll take it while I can get it!

Harley wanted a turn riding the rockin' giraffe.  So of course we let him.

Finally, we ended our month with our first trip to the Emergency Room!  Nolan had an allergic reaction to what we thought was bell peppers.  We left that night with a prescription for 5 days, Benadryl as often as necessary and a two pack of Epi-pens.  The next day, Superbowl Sunday, the rash got even worse, so we ended up returning the to E.R., freaked out that it hadn't gotten better and only much, much more severe looking.  Apparently, that is normal, and the nurses and doctor from the previous night forgot to inform us that it would get worse before it got better.  Unfortunately, we wasted some time in the ER for that visit, but at least we had answers and they helped show us how to give Nolan his medicine much better since he was completely refusing it for us.  Fast forward a few weeks in February and his rash has come back... and we haven't eaten any bell peppers!  So, we're getting some more tests done to rule out what type of allergy this may be.  So far, we've had one blood test and it has ruled out the common allergens such as peanuts, cow's milk, wheat, corn, dog and cat dander, etc.  If the rash continues, we will most likely be referred to an allergist.  We'll keep you posted!

...Until next month!!

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