Saturday, January 17, 2015

Nolan's First Birthday Party!

Nolan's first birthday party has come and gone, and overall, was a complete success!  I spent a long time Pinning, planning, crafting and working on his first birthday theme, and I couldn't have been happier with the results!  We decided months in advance that his birthday theme would revolve around Harley and "weenie dogs", since Nolan has been infatuated with his dog-dog from the get-go. I tried to get as creative as I could by sticking to the dachshund theme, even though a lot of what I could find of ideas were just "puppy" parties.  Either way, it all came together wonderfully and I know Nolan loved having so many doggie themed things surround him on his special day!

All of our guests were welcomed at the front door with a picture from Nolan's invitation photoshoot...  One of my favorite pictures so, of course, I had to blow that sucker up!  Don't mind the awful lighting from the photos all throughout this day... It was a whirlwind and I was running around like a crazy woman trying to get all the pictures I could!

Around the house, I decorated with Nolan's first birthday photoshoot and cake smash pictures, as well as books that he received for his birthday, all of dachshunds just like his own dog-dog, Harley!  Some of these books are going to be well-loved over the years and I know they will become some of his favorites soon enough.  I'm already a fan of 10 Little Hot Dogs, while his favorite is Silly, Sausage!  The two books on our main table are his absolute favorites as we have had these since he's been born.  We read them every night as he asks for his dog-dog books before bed.  He is obsessed.  

I created a 12-month photo garland of his monthly photos along our stairwell, and had his other monthly pictures that were taken with his personalized pillow displayed in the kitchen with the food table.

I also created a photo collage number ONE, showing off lots of fun pictures of Nolan over his first year... Those itty-bitty squishy baby pics... I melt!  After his party, I had him take some pictures next to his sign.  Not an easy task, since he wanted to go-go-go!  But we got some!

I printed a fun birthday sign from Petite Lemon, which turned out perfect!  I plan on doing this every year to document Nolan's favorite things at each milestone age.  What a great idea, right?!  I also snapped some pictures of him with his sign, post-party.

Finally for pictures, I had three collages set up next to his high chair and food table... one for his newborn photos, one for six months, and one for his one year photos.  His high chair was decked out in a high chair garland and dachshund garland I crafted, as well as balloons and the cutest birthday hat that I also made.

We had lots of cake to go around for his party, with his smash cake being the same design from his photos that we had taken the month before.  I loved how it turned out so much, I wanted them to make the same thing again for his party!  The sheet cake was a simple dachshund, while the cupcake cake was a bit more intricate and turned out so good!  I was super nervous about having this made but was so happy with the final product.  SO CUTE!

As for food, we had lots of fun themed snacks for everyone and of course, had to serve them in dog bowls (unused, of course)!  We had Scooby Snacks (graham crackers), Veggie bones, Puppy Chow (chex mixes), Fruit Kibble (fruit salad), Puppy Slop (cheesy bean dip), Dogs in a Blanket, PB&J bones for the kiddos, and some Dog Brew for the adults and custom water bottles for everyone else.  We also had some yummy Capriotti's sandwich trays to round out our meal.  

The kids table was set up with some fun Puppy activity pads and crayons, some snacks, and each kiddo was able to "Adopt a Dachshund" from the basket!  They came with Certificates of Adoption and the puppies were ready to be taken home for lots of snuggles and love!

Nolan took some time to chow down on some lunch before all of his guests arrived, and then we quickly got changed and started our party!

the perfect party outfit!
Once our guests arrived, the kids played together, everyone ate and chatted it up.  

Nolan was SO spoiled and received so many awesome gifts from his friends and family, near and far!  Thank you so much to everyone... he seriously loves all of his gifts and we appreciate the lovely thoughts and well wishes!  Thanks to our family in Vermont and France that also sent such nice things!!  

Jess, I love that your kiddos are watching like a TV show, and that Hudson has the dog balloon next to him! haha!

Once all the gifts were opened, the kids went crazy with all the new toys, especially the Dusty ride-on plane!  Hudson pushed the birthday boy around like a true BFF, and Ezra bonded with the dog balloon!

We snapped a quick family picture (with all of our dachshund shirts!) before Nolan got down and dirty with his cake smash.

Nolan was totally at his last-wind of energy during his cake smash (he had only taken a 20 minute nap all day... eek!) and decided now was the time to cry it out (it was his party, can you blame him!?).  As soon as I put the birthday hat on, tears started rolling!  I left it on quick enough to snap a picture, took the hat off, we sang him his birthday song and he blew out his candle (with some help).  He very gently poked around in his cake... and then Mommy helped him by smashing his hand in.  Once he was in, it was a smear-fest of frosting and he ate lots of yummy white cake!  

Shortly after the cake smash, Nolan got changed and in perfect timing as guests were leaving, decided it was definitely nap time.  He went down for his nap while most of our guests said goodbye, and a few stayed to hang out for the night.  

Nolan's first birthday party was an amazing whirlwind (that seriously went by so fast, just like our wedding day!) and we all had such a great time.  Thank you SO much to our dear friends and family for your company, gifts, well wishes, help with setting up, and just being there for us on his birthday party day as well as his whole first year.

I can't believe his first year has come and gone... Everyone says it goes by in a blink of an eye, and through those first few weeks, even months, you don't believe your squishy, cuddly, tiny baby will grow into an amazingly smart, lovable, all-over-the-place toddler... but it happens, and it's unbelievable.  I am so happy to be Nolan's Mommy... I loved him the moment I held him for the first time a year ago, and haven't let go since.  It has truly been the best year of my life.  Happy First Birthday, little boo!  We love you SO MUCH! 

Birthday Details:

Invitations:  Pinterest inspired, designed in PicMonkey by myself
Birthday Sign: Petite Lemon
Gift table yarn tassel garland: Crafted by myself
Gift table printable: Eighteen25
Dachshund garland, High chair garland, Birthday Hat: Crafted by myself
Happy Birthday Garland: Target
Food tented labels: Template provided by Catch My Party; designed in PicMonkey by myself
Dachshund confetti and cutouts: Etsy, HookedonArtsandCrafts
Dachshund Walking Balloons: JHCoture via GroopDealz
Sheet cake and Smash Cake: Albertson's
Dachshund cupcake cake: Family friend
Custom water bottle labels: Family friend
Dachshund Adoption Sign: Designed in PicMonkey by myself
Dog Adoption Certificates: When Pooch Comes to Shove
Newborn Photo Collage Photography: Kassidy Baker Photography
6 Month Photo Collage Photography: Myself
One Year Photo Collage Photography: Kyla Groneman Photography
Nolan's Birthday Shirt: Etsy, Lil' Threadz Clothing
My shirt: Etsy, HouseBroken Clothing
Jason's shirt: Spreadshirt

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