Sunday, May 3, 2015

April Happenings

We spent April Fool's Day being silly and taking lots of funny pictures, saying, "Cheeeeeese!"  Nolan wanted to share a glimpse of what our day looked like in video... lots of shouting, talking, and trying to torture the dog-dog. 

We visited Barnes and Noble, and Nolan had fun running around like a crazy child in the kid's area.  He found a super creepy doll that he tried to free out of her box, and liked climbing up and down the stage steps.  

We spent the day at McKee Ranch and saw lots of animals and even rode a pony!

He learned to open doors, and there's no stopping this little man when he's determined to do something... Looks like lots of opening and closing are in our future (or baby locks).

Easter weekend was so much fun, with lots of Easter events, food, and laughs!

Auntie Stacey came to visit and we had lots of low key fun while she was here!  Nolan was super shy at first, but eventually warmed up and had so much fun playing with his auntie.  He loved waking up and discovering that she was still here to play every morning!  We ate out at Pizza Rock and Casa don Juan, bar hopped with our friends downtown, created way too many Dubsmashes, and had a girls night full of Pitch Perfect, the Tonight Dough and Susan cookies!  We could be doing absolutely nothing and it's a good time when we are together, so, although low-key, her visit here was perfect! 

We spent a nice little Saturday at Star Nursery, getting supplies for our backyard renovation.  Nolan enjoyed checking out all the cool trucks and construction machines, and cried when I said we had to leave and get out of the wagon!  Poor guy.

During a walk one day, we discovered a cute little park up the road from us, so of course we stopped and played for a bit!

M&Ms are a current obsession (he literally asks for them all day, every day) and after eating a few, someone had a rainbow colored face...

Nolan has gotten extremely good at feeding the dog-dog, so we decided to label it as his "first chore" in our household!  He helps give Harley his dinner every night and will come running when you tell him, "It's time to feed the dog-dog!"  I edited the video to cut it down for time, pulling out the extra seconds in between of Nolan being distracted!  Overall, he's really got the whole process down and I find it amazing that he can do this already!

I snapped a picture during nap time and couldn't believe how big my baby looked (again)!

We bought a cute little splash pad and set it up on the patio.  Nolan did not want anything to do with going in the water, but had fun splashing all of the "fountains" on the outside ring!  We'll work on getting into the water as the weather gets hotter!

Nolan found my old Minnie Mouse doll and loves carrying her around and giving her hugs and kisses!  SO cute.  He's loving Mickey Mouse Clubhouse lately, so we may have to take a trip to the Disney store to get him some more friends (Donald Duck is his favorite!)

Nolan discovered sunglasses, and loves wearing them everywhere!  He thinks it's hilarious to put them on and has fun taking them on and off.  He's a character...

Spinning in circles was a new thing to discover...

We had Nolan's 15 month checkup, and ended up waiting for SO LONG in the waiting room.  Luckily I brought snacks on snacks on snacks... and after fidgeting on the table for so long, I finally put his shoes on and let Nolan run around the room.  He looked too funny with his tiny little body dancing around in his moccs, and found making a stomping noise to be quite entertaining.  

After our long wait, his well check went fine and he received two shots that he was NOT happy about.  To get his mind off of it, I brought him to Reunion Trails Park to play for a bit.  He loved running around everywhere since there is quite a large play area, and was obsessed with the captain's wheel down at his level.

Harley was cracking Nolan up as he just sat on the couch and took the ridicule from his bro brushing flashcards against his fur.

I snapped some pictures of the little hipster before our dinner out with friends.  He loves carrying around the dog brush everywhere we go (no, seriously, everywhere).  

We joined our friends, Jason and Diane, and their two boys, at Pizza Rock in GVR for dinner.  We have always loved Pizza Rock, but never liked making the trek downtown to eat it.  They finally opened one in Green Valley Ranch and we couldn't be happier!  It is SO good and we love being around the District to hang out before and afterwards.  After we ate dinner, we walked over to the District and chowed down on some yogurt and spent some time sitting outside while the kiddos played and ran around.  The last few attempts of taking Nolan to the splash pad, he has hated it, so I figured there was no way he would be interested in going in the fountains.  Of course, little munchkin proved me wrong, and, clothes and all, decided now would be a perfect time to conquer his fear!  I let him, since he was being so brave and the complete opposite of our previous attempts, and he had so much fun running around with his friends getting wet!  We're hoping our next visit to the splash pad will be just as fun and not scary, anymore!

We texted videos back and forth with our cousins, Chelsea and Everette, and these two have the cutest long distance BFF/cousin relationship!  We miss them SO much and wish we could see them in person every single day!  

Because of the recent photo taking/Dubsmashing/Facetiming/video making on the phone, Nolan recognizes ringtones and text alerts, and gets super excited when we receive one!  

Nolan made some fun artwork this month.  He colored his first coloring page, and Ziploc finger painted the letter N, for Nolan, of course!

The No- or "Nah" phase has started, and this is the best I could get of Nolan saying it.  We're working on "Yes!" now!

McCullough Vista Park, which is right around the corner from us and about a ten minute walk, finally opened up during the week.  We've been watching this park's progress over the last few months, so when the gates finally came down, we were super excited to check it out!  We joined the Luks' and checked it out on opening night.  This park is awesome and has such fun things for the littler kiddos.  Along with the traditional playground essentials, there are music structures, a rock climbing structure, and a huge grassy hill, which give the park a different feel with new activities.  There's also an observation deck with picnic tables, basketball courts, and lots of grassy fields to run all over.  The only thing missing from making it the perfect park is a splash pad!  Either way, you can guarantee we will be spending lots of time here before it gets too hot!  

My mom adopted some baby chicks to babysit for the weekend after one of the classrooms at her school hatched them during the week.  I wasn't sure how Nolan would react to them, but was pleasantly surprised when he wanted to give them kiss after kiss!  He wasn't a fan of them touching him and walking over him... he had to be the one to initiate the first move.  We had a few quick movements that led to a tiny kick and constant reminders to be gentle, but overall he did really well with them!  He called them ducks, which, in all fairness, was close enough. :)  

The Zappos Roos N' More benefit was at the end of the month, and we had a great day getting up close and personal with tons of animals

Nolan has been into coloring lately (for about 5 minutes, tops), and decided Mommy's back would be a great canvas for black crayon.  

We took another walk down to the park one morning, and Nolan enjoyed exploring and navigating his way around.

I snapped a picture of our big boy on his changing table, and couldn't help but compare these two shots (11 days old vs. 15.5 months old).  How does time fly by so quickly!?  

Until next month!

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