Sunday, May 3, 2015

Wild Animal Adventure

The Roos N' More Animal Adventure set up their pop-up zoo at the Zappos headquarters downtown, and we decided we would give it a shot and try it out since we had heard good things about it in the past.  The weather was super windy and had a chance of rain, but we took a chance, packed up the car and drove down right after breakfast Sunday morning!  We met our friends Jamie and Victor, and their little boy Cohen, when we got there, and were shocked to find how awesome this place was!

When we entered, the boys were given VIP wristbands since they were little, which let us experience touching, holding, and getting up close and personal with all of the animals on display (without having to pay extra, which was awesome).  When we entered the front, there were a bunch of stuffed animals that Nolan immediately gravitated towards.  He really loved the hippos and gave them lots of hugs and kisses!

We started with checking out an armadillo!  It was the creepiest thing and kept going under our feet and legs, but Nolan thought it was hilarious.  It wasn't too pleasant to touch, but definitely started off our experience with something different!

The next animal was the cutest little capybara, which Nolan also thought was adorable.  He liked looking at it a little more than actually touching it.  I think he was a bit intimidated, but she was so calm and just hung out while we all visited with her.

Jamie and I handed the boys over to their Dads for the next one... a giant lizard!  

We got to meet and touch a sloth... which I think I was more excited for than Nolan!  He wasn't too sure what to think about it, but I was amazed and was thrilled to have the chance to actually see one of these guys up close!

We walked by an anteater who was having an afternoon snack, and he was really messy!

Nolan's favorite of the day were these little Patagonian Cavies, who look like a mix between a jackrabbit and a kangaroo.  They run around everywhere, so Nolan had a blast chasing after them.  He kept trying to hug them, but wasn't very successful.  He giggled when they would run away and loved touching their soft fur.  

Nolan met a funny looking bird, and thought it was funny when it chirped.

The boys were both really into the desert tortoise, and Nolan stood at the gate trying to yell at him to get his attention.  No such luck... the tortoise kept to himself. 

Next up was the baby animal nursery, where they packed in a ton of baby animals of all kinds, each in their own Pack N' Play! It was really cute and we enjoyed seeing lots of different chicks, ducklings, reptiles, bunnies, baby armadillos, and the best part, a baby kangaroo!  SO cute!  Nolan loved more on the stuffed animals that filled the hallway rather than the real animals!

We couldn't believe there were still more animals to see around the corner of the Zappos building, so we continued on to find a llama, some more tortoises, monkeys, and some type of cat.  

They saved the best for last, and as we came upon the last corner, we were greeted by a HUGE camel!  We also hung out with a donkey and a zebra, but the camel was by far the coolest part of the whole day, especially since we got to pet it and get so close!

Overall, we had a great time getting to see so many different animals up close and interact with them.  We would have paid ten times the amount to do the same thing at a large zoo, so this was a pleasant surprise to enjoy!  Plus, all the proceeds go towards the Roos N' More zoo to help the animals, so it's all for a good cause.  We will definitely be doing this again next year, especially since Nolan is such an animal lover! 

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