Friday, November 18, 2016

Halloween 2016

Finally catching ourselves up on the blog, and we can't forget our post of costumes this Halloween!!  We decided to once again do two different costumes.... because who can really choose just one!?  Especially for a baby's first!  So, I let Nolan choose a Disney movie he'd like to dress up as, and Monster's Inc. was the winner.  He chose to be Sully and of course we had to dress Acelyn as Boo.  I also convinced Jason to dress up (super low key DIY costumes) as other characters from the movie, so we went with Roz and George.  *side note: When Nolan first started watching Monster's Inc., his favorite character of the whole movie was George.  It was one of the first names he learned from the movie, and he laughed so hard every time he saw him on.  So, it was fitting to have Jason dress like one of his favorites, even though he's not very well known!*

Of course I had fun decorating the backdrop for our fun photoshoot, and I love how our pictures came out!  Everything was pretty much DIY, except for Acelyn's bow, which we got from Pixie Dust Prettiess on Etsy.  I loved everything about these costumes!

Our second coordinated costume for the kiddos was the "cutesy" version, because of course, since Nolan got what he wanted, I still needed a squishy little baby costume for Acelyn (the Boo costume certainly was squishy... but not that "cute, screams Baby's First Halloween" type).  So, I found a mom on one of the Instagram shop B/S/T boards that I am a part of selling the most adorable mouse costume.  By the time I decided I wanted it, she had already sold it, but offered to make me one anyway!  Turns out she sews her own, and so of course I accepted.  It turned out ridiculously cute and I am SO happy I decided to get it for her.  I thought about different options to pair Nolan with her, and ended up choosing a cookie from the book, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie."  This cookie costume from Target was perfect- simple, easy on and off, cute and something Nolan was really excited about!  We received so many compliments over both costumes and everyone's reaction to Nolan as a cookie was hysterical at the different Trick or Treating events we attended.  Every year I have a new favorite, but this year the cookie and mouse duo is by far the winner in my book!

For Halloween, we joined the Luks' and family at their house for our traditional quick dinner and Trick or Treating in their neighborhood.  I only got about five pictures total because the night was so busy and fun, but the kids had a blast and Nolan did awesome at Trick or Treating this year.  He still needed some help to be guided back after receiving his candy, but he definitely knew what to do to get it!  We love carrying out our traditions, especially with our friends, and always enjoy Halloween with them every year!  

Hoping everyone had just as much fun on their Halloween, too! (even if we're almost a month behind)! 

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