Monday, November 28, 2016

'Tis the Season for... Teething! with Nuby Teething Products {a&n Product Review}

As Acelyn approaches 7 months, it's no surprise her teething is at it's all time high!  She's yet to cut any little teethies, but that doesn't stop her from gnawing away at everything she can.  She can often be found with a teether at every moment- playing, diaper changing, in the high chair, and even nursing!  Luckily, we've had our Nuby products to help us out along the way, and we wanted to highlight some of our favorites!

Nuby Teethe-eez

This little 100% silicone gem is the best!  Acelyn loves the flexibility of this teether and can really get into it with her gums.  She often uses it towards the front of her mouth, as it's perfect for front teeth teething and soothes her sore gums.  It's lightweight, and super easy to throw in the diaper bag to take along wherever we go (it comes with a hygienic case... amazing!), and the best part: how easy it is to clean!  Since it's made of BPA Free Silicone, just a quick wash under warm water with a little soap cleans it up quickly and I can give it right back to her to continue her teething ways.  I love the ring handle and she always has an adorable little grip on it that I just can't get over... especially with all of those little baby hand chub dimples!

The Teethe-eez is perfect for babies aged 0+ months, and can be found at a variety of the following retailers:

Nuby Wacky Teething Ring

This fun, colorful toy not only acts as a fun accessory for Acelyn to play with, but aids in massaging her gums with the signature Nub-eez surfaces.  We carry this one most often when we are out, especially in her carseat or while I wear her in the Ergo, as I strap it through a leather braided pacifier holder and she's good to go!  Another BPA Free, skin soft silicone product, the multiple teething surfaces assist in the eruption of baby's teeth, which we're still waiting on for Acelyn!  Her favorite part of the toy is easily the soft crinkle leaves, which keep her entertained with noise but also allow her to suck and are so light, I don't worry about them getting a soggy mess like other similar toys.  It's another easy to hold teether for her, and the different textures give her both stimulation for her gums but also for her sensory processing with her hands.

The Wacky Teething Ring is made for babies age 3+ months, and is available at these retailers:

Nuby Teething Trends Medium Oval & Pearl Necklace 

Not only just for Acelyn, this teething necklace is also one of my favorite products!  I've never owned a teething necklace before, so I was excited to try this out when Nuby sent it to me.  I absolutely love that it serves as both a wearable teether that we always have with us, as well as a fashionable accessory for myself, and I'm happy to say Acelyn approves, too!

As always with Nuby products, it is made of BPA Free, soft silicone surfaces, so as Acelyn is shoving each oval or pearl into her gummy smile, I can be worry-free about what she's sucking and drooling over!  It's the perfect size for her grip and hands, as well as her mouth.  I was worried the pearl shaped teethers would be a hazard for her, but it's actually the complete opposite and I can wear and use this necklace with complete ease.  It's comfortable, safe, and fashionable with a purpose, and I couldn't ask for anything more! 

This is another product we use just as much at home as we do on the go.  Acelyn started at a young age (around 3 months) pulling her own hair as a nursing habit.  I exhausted options on things for her to hold or pull or snuggle while nursing- stuffed animals, loveys, pacifiers, toys, even my own hair- but she always went back to pulling and tugging her own, which didn't help her already-balding head!  When Nuby sent the Teething Trends necklace, my first instinct was to use it while nursing to see if it would help.  Sure enough, it was one of the only things that kept Acelyn's hands off her head and stimulated while nursing!  Although she's grown out of pulling her own hair (for the most part), I still use the teething necklace as a distraction for her hands while she eats and it still works wonders.  

The Teething Trends necklace comes in a variety of colors: teal, black, white, and gray.  I love the gray because it matches with almost everything and can serve as a perfect accessory for playdates, shopping and dinners out.  It can be found at the following retailers: 

Nuby Teething Bib 

The teething bib is a perfect way for Acelyn to stay dry from all her drool aaaaaand serve as a way to clench that teething need!  The very corner of the bib is made with a BPA Free teether that she can chew away on, while absorbent cotton helps keeps her dry and clean while teething.  With a velcro tab closure, it's an easy off/on process, and even better, comes in two designs with bight patterns since it's reversible on every bib.  And, as much as she tugs to grab the teething corner, the velcro is strong enough to withstand her pulling and stays put!  

The Nuby Teething Bib is perfect for ages 3+ months, and can be found at these retailers:

We know teething is a short lived (although it feels so much longer!) process, and we're happy to have accessories to aid Acelyn in feeling more comfortable and soothe those sore gums, as we wait for some teeth to finally pop through!  

Nuby sent these products to review, but did not compensate me to write this post.  All opinions and thoughts are of my own.  

You can find Nuby and all of their great products by following their social media sites here:

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