Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bump Watch: 12 Weeks

I knew I wanted to document this pregnancy in a fun way week by week, and good ol' Pinterest had lots of ideas to go off of.  I kept it old school and decided to use the chalkboard calendar, so week by week I'll be taking pictures of the baby bump and tracking it's growth, as well as doing the little survey to go with each week!  Here's our very first one.... 12 weeks!

How far along? 12 weeks, 0 days
Total weight gain: None!  I'm hoping I won't have too hard of a time gaining poundage soon!
Maternity clothes? I've already had to break out the belly band... (thanks, Jess!)  None of my pants fit the same, and I'm lucky to button the button!  I've had some maternity shirts from before, because Target maternity is cute and I used to wear it before I was even pregnant. 
Stretch marks? None yet!
Sleep: Love it!  I could sleep every second of every day and be completely satisfied with life.
Best moment this week: Confirmation from Dr. J that everything is going well and that we can share our news with confidence!
Miss Anything? Hot dogs... I've wanted a hot dog since the day I found out I was preggo.  I probably could eat it with no worries... but why take the risk is my motto!
Movement: Nothing, a little too early for that!
Food cravings: Cocoa Krispies.  I've gone through almost a whole box in less than one week.  Oops.  Fast food, mostly hamburgers... I'm not on the best track record with staying healthy this first trimester!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Super hit or miss.  Chicken is not my best friend right now, although if it's a crispy chicken sandwich from Wendy's, that's a whole 'nother story.... :)
Gender prediction: I've thought for a few weeks now: Girl.  My body and my symptoms tell me otherwise that it should be a boy... but my gut definitely is telling me girl.  Jason also has the same prediction!  

Labor Signs: Not even close!
Symptoms: Not many!  I've not once had morning sickness, but dizziness is picking up for me and I've been having nightly migraines the last few evenings (which I've read is completely normal).  Totally bloated and my boobs have definitely grown!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but I will admit I have some pregnancy hormones that rage every now and then!  Actually, I'm mostly exhausted!  Does that count as a mood?!
Looking forward to: Sharing our news with the world this week!

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