Monday, July 15, 2013

Old Wives' Tales: Gender Predictions

With so many different "Wives Tales" floating around the Internet and Pinterest, I wanted to try some out to see if we could get a general trend of what gender our baby would be!  So after lots of googling, reading, and testing, we came up with lots of different ways to "determine" the gender of our little bean.  By all means, please know that we did not take this seriously and was only for fun.  Jason was a good sport and put up with playing along and going through each and every test with me just for fun!  

The first tests we did were easy graphs that we just googled and put our information in.  The Chinese Gender Predictor and the Mayan Gender Test were both charts that measured the date in which I conceived and my age at the time of conception.  Both of these results were: BOY!

The one thing I thought was super funny and very coincidental about the Chinese Gender Calendar, was the chart measured my Chinese Lunar age and month of conception as September 29... our wedding date!  Coincidence or fate....

The next tests consisted of symptoms that I have experienced throughout the first trimester of this pregnancy.  I had no morning sickness, which predicts BOY.  We figured that my "bump" that is in development was carrying quite low, which also predicts BOY.  The baby's heart rate has consistently been above 140 beats per minute... which always suggests GIRL.  I've been sleeping solely on my left side since becoming pregnant, which signifies BOY.   According to my lack of acne, that predicts BOY.  The cravings test, sweet is a girl, salty is a boy, was a tie for me.  I couldn't decide which I've been craving more since I've been craving both!  

Another general test is the Hand Test.  When the mother is asked to show her hands, if she shows palm up, it represents a girl, palms down is a boy.  Our test came out as a GIRL.  Another similar test is how the mother picks up a key off of a table.  If she picks it up with the round/thick part, that signifies a boy, the skinnier end is a girl.  Our results were BOY.  

The Wedding Ring test is done by tying your wedding band to a string, holding it above your belly and seeing which way the ring turns.  If it moves back and forth like a pendulum, it represents boy.  If it spins in a circle, it means girl.  After dangling my ring above my belly, we determined it was circling, meaning our result was GIRL.  

The last test we completed was the Baking Soda Test.  This is done by placing a scoop of baking soda in a cup, peeing in the same cup, and seeing what happens to the baking soda.  If it fizzes, the result is a boy.  If it does nothing, it is a girl.  This was a weird one, and it definitely just sat there and did nothing, so that meant GIRL.

So, if you're lost with our tallies... I made a nice little chart to see how our results spanned out!

It looks like our predictions are leaning towards a baby boy!  We will see on Tuesday what the real deal is!  Stay tuned for the reveal!

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