Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bump Watch: 17 Weeks

Disclaimer:  I may have skipped week 16... oops!  We got busy with Jason's birthday and other happenings, and by the time I was thinking about decorating the chalkboard, I was already 16 weeks and 5 days.. which we decided to just wait until 17 weeks to update!  

How far along? 17 weeks, 0 days
Total weight gain: Last I checked I was up 3 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Wearing the belly band alllll the time.  Can't live without it at this point!
Stretch marks? Still nothing so far. 
Sleep:  Always... love it still!  Finding it to be a little weird feeling laying on my tummy, I may have to invest in a pregnancy pillow soon!
Best moment this week: Getting a start on our baby items... we figured out which stroller, carseat and nursery furniture we want!  It's s step in the right direction!  
Miss Anything? Still missing hot dogs.  Boo.  
Movement: Sometimes I feel like I might be feeling him.  Other times, I think maybe I'm just really gassy.  I know they feel similar, so I'm waiting until I get the "confirmation feeling" that it is definitely him!  I think in a week or so, his kicks and movements will be stronger and I'll know for sure.  Right now, I think I'm feeling extremely light flutters because I'm so in tune with my body and he is still so small!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular, but I have recently been pigging out on Pop Tarts and cereal.  So unhealthy. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not too much anymore... my hunger is back in full force!
Gender prediction: No more predicting... it's a boy!

Labor Signs: Not even close!
Symptoms: Lots of round ligament pain, and possible movement flutters!  And hunger all.the.time.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and some moments of worry, which is just bound to happen with my worry wart mentality!  All is well, though, as far as I know!
Looking forward to: Feeling the little man move in my belly!  Hopefully soon!!

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