Sunday, August 25, 2013

Nursery Furniture!

This weekend, our nursery furniture came in!  We ordered a complete 3-piece set from  We had looked around at furniture in person, and couldn't seem to find anything we absolutely loved.  At Babies R' Us, the furniture was great quality, but nothing screamed out at me and it was SO expensive!  Once I started looking around online, I found this set on JCPenney's website that I fell in love with (mostly the crib).  And once I realized the price for 3 pieces at JCPenney was the same, if not cheaper than 2 pieces at Babies R' Us, I knew that our choice would be easy.  Even though we hadn't seen the furniture in person, I felt comfortable through reading reviews that others had posted, that we would most likely be satisfied with our purchase.  And if we weren't, their return policy was supposed to be great, so we felt good about our decision.

On Saturday afternoon, the furniture was delivered and we began unpacking to set it all up!  

Harley was even excited to help and we all couldn't wait to get building!  Luckily, building only meant putting the crib together.  The dressers came pre-assembled which made life easy!

Once Jason put the whole thing together (with the help of me holding tools, sorting pieces, and being the designated "leveler", our furniture was put together and complete!  We arranged it a couple ways in the room, and will probably rearrange it a couple more times before we decide where we want everything for good!  

All of Harley's hard work supervising had him exhausted, so he passed out while we took some more pictures of the crib and my growing belly!

Our only casualty was one corner of a dresser than came a little dinged from delivery.  We called JCPenney and they were extremely helpful in making the exchange easy, so next week they will bring out a new one and switch it for the damaged dresser.  Now I'm looking forward to decorating this nursery in all things boy, boy boy!  I've had a couple themes in mind, but it looks like I'm leaning towards a vintage baseball theme.  I'll keep the progress updated!  

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