Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Nolan: Eight Weeks

Eight weeks already!  Mr. man is filling out and continuing to pack on the pounds.  We don't have an "official" weigh-in yet, but I'm guessing he's close to 11 pounds!  We will find out on Monday for his 2 month well check (not looking forward to all of those shots)!  Nolan has learned to socially smile and does it very frequently!  He is quite the happy baby.  He has also learned to let out a few giggles, yet doesn't do that as frequently.  We're learning different things that make him smile and try to get him to crack up... sometimes it works and sometimes he just likes to continually grin!  Either way, it is the best feeling to get a smile or giggle as a reaction!  We'll work on getting a video of those laughs, soon!

He continues to love playtime on his play mat and absolutely loves watching himself in the mirror, and has become quite the social talker, cooing and jabbing away.  He has also discovered the fan in whatever room we may be in, and loves to talk and laugh at that, also.  Another discovery Nolan has made are his hands!  He loves to suck on them and likes to spit his pacifier out and replace it with his fists.  I'm hoping he doesn't find his thumb and take a liking to it... A pacifier is much easier to wean off of than some fingers!  

He's looking more like his Daddy in pictures, but in person this little guy is still 50/50 on who he looks like!  He has Mommy's hair, lips, and chin, and Daddy's ears and nose.  As for his eyes, we've decided, at this point, that he has Jason's eye shape and my eye color.  We'll see if they change color over the course of his first year!  We love that he has a great mixture of both of us that he can express in different faces and emotions.

He has become great at expressing what he likes and dislikes through his smiles and through voicing his cries nice and loud!  The times he cries the most (and usually only times) are when he needs to burp during a feeding, or if he's thrown off with sleep and is tired, starting to get tired, or overtired.  Overall, he's an extremely content and easy baby still, and that's all we can ask for!  

In a few days, this chunk will be 2 months old, and we'll give the complete update (changes since one month old) on that blog post!  Stay tuned!

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