Monday, March 17, 2014

Nolan's Two Month Update

Two months!?  Seriously!?  How is time going by so quickly?  It seems like just yesterday this little man was put into my arms.  Now he is a completely different baby... no longer my newborn but an infant, an actual baby who smiles, laughs, has reactions and crazy emotions.... he knows what he wants and when he wants it!  I love seeing his personality emerge and I know this boy is going to grow up to be a sweet, gentle, funny, amazing little guy.  I love getting up everyday and looking forward to the next new thing he is going to do, and I know each month is just going to get better and better!  We can't even imagine our life without him.  Here's what Nolan has been up to the past month:

Height, Weight, and Sizes: 
Our struggle with weight gain is long behind us!  Nolan has gained great weight since his one month appointment, and at our two month well check (March 17th), he weighed 11 lbs. 12 oz (35th percentile).  He was 22 1/2 inches long (25th percentile), and his head is still huge, measuring in at 16 inches in circumference (89th percentile)!  His diapers are Size 1's, which are a little tight around his chubby belly, but we will probably stay in them for a while.  As for his clothing, he's graduated into 0-3 months.  Most of his onesies and pajamas are strictly 3 months, and cuter, dress up clothes and pants are 0-3 months.  We still need to pack away all of our tiny newborn things... I just haven't had the heart to part with them yet!

For most of the month, Nolan put himself on a pretty regular, awesome schedule of eating 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at night, taking in about 4-5 ounces each feeding.  Although, within the last two weeks, he has decided at some feedings he will take his normal 4-5 ounces, while other feedings he will only take 2-3 ounces.  I can't help but feel this is his way of growing as well as trying to get himself on a new schedule.  At 10 weeks (if not sooner), I plan on switching him to a 4-hour schedule instead of 3, so we will see how that goes and if that helps!  I'm still pumping as much as before, and am getting so much extra saved, we purchased a freezer chest for only breastmilk!  I'm hoping to keep up the pumping and storing so I'll have it for when I decide to stop pumping, that way, I can still give Nolan breastmilk without switching over to formula.  

Nolan still enjoys his sleep for the most part, and up until a couple weeks ago, continued to follow a great schedule.  He consistently followed the EASY schedule, which is what I ultimately wanted to implement: Eat, Activity, Sleep, Your Time (Mommy time).  He would eat, be awake for an hour and half, nap for an hour and a half, and so on.  Recently though, his naps can vary from his normal time, or can be as short as 30 minutes!  Again, along with his weird feeding habits we've gone through, I feel as though this is a schedule change that he may be ready for.  I'm hoping the 4-hour schedule switch will also help with his inconsistent napping.  He is still sleeping solid at night, and I am still waking him at his 2:30AM feeding.  I could probably get away with him sleeping through the night, but we're going to work on the 4-hour schedule first, and then take away the night feeding when that is successful.  One night this month, my alarm didn't go off for his 2:30AM feeding... so little man slept from 11:00PM - 5:30AM!  His first time sleeping through the night.. I panicked!  Of course he was completely fine, and I know he can manage to sleep longer, so the switch of taking that feeding away will hopefully be smooth.  Hopefully by our 3 Month update, the new schedule will be in place!  
He continues to nap during the day all around the house, in his boppy, his swing, and most recently, his crib!  He takes at least one nap a day in his crib, which I wanted to implement early so he gets used to being completely flat and in a large open area before we make the complete switch to the crib.  We still aren't making that transition yet- maybe another month or so!  

Firsts & Milestones:
-Laughing!  Cutest thing ever.
-Talking to himself in the mirror, cooing and babbling much more 
-Sleeping through the night
-Sleeping (napping) in his crib
-First time away from Mom & Dad (spent an afternoon with Grandma while we got out and had fun at the Brew's Best Beer Festival)
-Time at the park
-Finding his hands
-Holding a conversation (babbling back and forth on cue with Mom & Dad)
-Dinner out at a restaurant (Lucille's BBQ)
-Starting to roll over (hasn't made it completely, yet... we're working on it!)
-Shots / Vaccinations (saddest cry, ever).  (3 days past 2 months)
-First St. Patrick's Day (3 days past 2 months)

-Mirrors (talking to himself, laughing, smiling, cooing)
-Fans (in any room, he will laugh and smile at them)
-Rookie the Bear (favorite toy, thus far)
-Still quite a fan of his bottle and eating
-Sucking/chewing on his hands
-Snuggling/being held
-Still obsessed with watching T.V.
-Changing table (kicks and smiles every time we change him on it)

-Burping is still his enemy
-Being outside (sun or wind, he doesn't like either)
-Diaper changes
-Being tickled (under his armpits, everything else is fair game)
-Having a dirty diaper

Nolan is becoming more and more interesting and fun to watch.  We can't wait to see him grow in the next month.  It really is the best feeling to watch him learn new things, and it's so exciting to see what the next thing will be!  With that... I leave you with some chunky legs and the cutest smile!  Happy Two Months, Nolan!

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