Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nolan: Ten Weeks

Nolan is now ten weeks old!  Time sure is flying.  In 2 weeks, I'll have a 12 week old!?  Insane.  As you can see, Nolan continues to chunk up in his weight.  We won't have an official weigh-in again until his 4 month well check, so based on our scale at home, Nolan is clocking in around 12-12.5 lbs.  I love kissing his chubby cheeks and his rolly thighs and belly!  This chunky monkey loves to smile and has starting laughing a whole lot more!  He is a fan of the camera, and responds with smirks, big eyes, and coos when the clicking of the flash goes off!  He's already becoming a little ham.

His napping and eating schedule has changed a bit, and although we tried to switch him to a 4-hour schedule, it was a total fail.  We only tried one day, but it was a mess and I hated seeing him so upset and thrown off.  We'll give it another week or so before trying a different schedule (maybe 3.5 hours between feedings, instead).  We've been letting him nap when he wants, which is very random, and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours.  As long as he continues to eat at his designated times, I tend to let him go with the flow for the rest of the day!  He continues to nap in his crib during the day, and now sleeps completely flat in his Pack N' Play at night with no problems transitioning!  

We try to mix it up with entertaining this munchkin by having lots of convos of babbling, talking to the fan, his bear Rookie, playing on his playmat, sitting in his bumbo chair, practicing tummy time, and letting him watch T.V. when we need to do the dishes or eat dinner and many other crazy antics to get him to laugh and smile!  He has discovered his feet but hasn't been able to grab them yet, he tends to stare at them while throwing his legs in the air.  He has also learned how to happily yell... another way of hearing his own voice and loving every second of it!

Can't wait for this little guy to learn more and more every day!  We love sharing everything about him!

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