Sunday, October 13, 2013

Gilcrease Orchards, Year #2!

Last year, we started a tradition of picking pumpkins and starting off the fall season by visiting Gilcrease Orchards.  We made the drive across town to kick off our second year of pumpkin picking, and met up with the Luks' while we were there.  When we got there, we realized it was much busier than when we went last year!  There were a ton of pumpkins, and unlike the year before, there were many still attached right to the vine that we had to twist and rip off ourselves, which made the experience even more cool!  There were lots of green pumpkins also this year, compared to last.  

We carefully walked throughout the pumpkin patch and selected the pumpkins we wanted... always the same every year: Jason has to get a huge, ugly, deformed looking pumpkin, which he calls "unique", and I like Cinderella pumpkins, if I can find them.  Harley always gets a little baby pumpkin, and of course, we had to add one to the mix this year for baby Nolan!

Since it was so busy when we got there, no wagons were left for us to carry our pumpkins back in.  Initially we figured this wouldn't be too much of a problem, yet, we realized we were totally mistaken!  My growing belly only let me carry the two small pumpkins, while Jason had to get a workout carrying the two large pumpkins all the way back to the entrance.  Needless to say, it was a long, hot, half-mile walk back!  We took lots of breaks in the apple orchards... poor Jason!

After paying for our pumpkins, we definitely had to get some apple cider donuts and apple cider before we left!  I have been craving these tasty things for months before the orchard even opened their fall pumpkin picking schedule, so I was determined to wait in line no matter how long it was going to take.  Baby Nolan neeeeeeeeeeeded to experience these donuts!!  I waited for about 15 minutes in line, and then we sat with the Luks' and scarfed enjoyed every last bite of the best donuts on earth.  YUM!

When we got home, we showed Harley his pumpkin and he approved of our selection for him!  We love going to this orchard and can't wait for next year when we will have the cutest little 9 month old to take along with us!  

Happy Fall from the Keltons!

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