Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ultrasound #6.... What Nolan looks like!

This week, we had what will probably consist of our last ultrasound of this pregnancy!  At 28 weeks and 6 days, we had our 3D/4D Ultrasound at Vegas Baby! 4D Ultrasound, to see what baby Kelton actually looks like!  This was, by far, the thing I was looking most forward to our whole journey through pregnancy... and I must say, it didn't disappoint at all!  It made this little baby in my belly seem so much more real, and made me fall even deeper in love with him than before!  I can't believe how much detail the ultrasound can pick up, and we've been having fun trying to figure out what features resemble me or Jason.  

When we first arrived, we started the ultrasound and saw that baby Nolan is super smushed inside my belly!  The ultrasound tech said it was because I am so petite and am all belly... and he really was smushed right up against my uterus to make for some difficult pictures!  We tried for 15 minutes and Nolan was fast asleep, snuggled in and not wanting to be bothered.  The tech explained she thought I had lower amniotic fluid levels, so she advised me to start drinking more water on a regular basis (ugh!  It's so hard already!)  After flipping from side to side, trying to get different angles with the ultrasound probe and having no success, we took a 5 minute break.  I emptied my bladder and the tech gave me a Coke to liven baby up!  This was my first soda I have allowed myself to drink all pregnancy... and it tasted amazing!  Even though I'm not a big soda person regularly, I chugged the whole thing down because it tasted so great, and was hoping this would get Nolan up and moving around!

Luckily, after our break, the tech explained that my fluid actually wasn't as low as she thought, it was just the positioning of the baby that made it look that way, and the simple fact that he is just SO squished and I have such a small belly!  She told me not to worry too much about what she had said earlier about my fluid and didn't want to freak me out, so that was a sigh of relief for me.  Finally, we were able to get some great pictures after he moved into position, and we got to see our little guy's features and watch him move, yawn, kick and hide.  We learned that he is 2.2 pounds and 14.8 inches!

Here are lots and lots of pictures of our little baby man! 

Cupping his little hands together
Sleeping soundly, resting his hands under his chin
Little smirk!  Dreaming of meeting mom and dad!

Side profile shot 

We got to hear his heartbeat, which once again was pretty consistent with what it has been at most ultrasounds and doctor's visits: a strong 146 bpm!  

After waking him up, he shifted positions and started with lots of cute baby yawns!



He did lots of stretches and moving his head side to side.  The fact that I'm so petite and he is so squished in there really explains why I feel mostly jabs, body parts and stretches for his movements, rather than kicks and punches.  He did this a lot during the ultrasound, which resulted in the most ADORABLE double chin pictures!

He gave us fun little smiles here and there, and we got some close up shots of his ears and his fingers, which are freakishly long!  My mom said I had reallllllly long fingers when I was born, too... so we're thinking he's taking after me on that one!

Little smile!
Ear shot
LONG fingers!

We got to see lots of 2D pictures as well as the 3D but didn't get many on file.  This was one of the only profile shots in 2D that we got.

Finally, we got these last shots which are my favorite.  I still can't get over how much detail you can see in these pictures!  He definitely has Jason's lips, which I am completely in love with.  They are so perfect and kissable and I can't wait to kiss them when he gets here in January!  His chin could go either way.. some pictures it looks like my pointier chin, whereas other pictures show Jason's squared chin.  His nose and eyes are hard to tell, but we're thinking my eyes and Jason's nose, possibly.  At first, we thought he was 100% Jason, but the more I look at the pictures, I can sometimes see my baby pictures in him, too.  (Or I'm just trying too hard!)

Lips for days!
I can see me in this profile shot more than any others

Sweet boy
My favorite!!!

Overall, we were so satisfied with our experience and would highly recommend anyone to do the 3D/4D ultrasound at this stage of pregnancy.  It's so fun to see what baby looks like at this point, and it has made us so anxious for his arrival in a little over 10 weeks!  I can't believe that in just 2 months or so we'll be comparing these pictures while holding him in our arms!  I can't wait and hope these next two months fly by!!  We love you SO MUCH already, baby Nolan!

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