Sunday, November 3, 2013

Bump Watch: 30 Weeks

How far along? 30 weeks, 0 days  (We're in the homestretch!)
Total weight gain: 20 pounds when I measured at work this week!
Maternity clothes? Yep!  And occasional tops that aren't... but not often.  All my cardigans are non-maternity, and now that it's getting cooler out, I can still pair these with a cute belt and keep them open.  That's the plan for the next two months!
Stretch marks? Nothing yet, but I think they may be starting soon.... my belly is streeeeetching a lot lately!
Sleep:  I'm back to being SO exhausted again.... welcome to the third trimester, I guess!  Still waking up a few times a night tossing and turning, but still getting plenty of sleep, and good sleep!  
Best moment this week: Celebrating Halloween with our friends and pigging out on candy ever since then.  The holiday season has started... a pregnancy woman's dream come true to eating everything and anything!
Miss Anything? Deli sandwiches and hot dogs again this week!  
Movement: Still feeling lots of pokes and prods from body parts.  I'm getting pretty used to a little booty poking out often!  He's not as strong with his movements this week, so I'm not sure if he's moved positions or he's just way too smushed inside to move!
Food cravings: Still on the french toast kick.... I may have had 3 for breakfast yesterday morning!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really!
Gender prediction: No more predicting... it's a boy!

Labor Signs: Nothing yet!
Symptoms: The body aches and soreness of pregnancy may have begun.  I find it exhausting to go shopping after work, even a simple trip to Target takes a lot out of me.  Starting to find it difficult to tie my shoes.  Nasal congestion this whole week and breathing like a creeper with my mouth open.  These lungs are getting a little cramped!  Speaking of cramps... those lovely calf cramps have started again!  I'm really starting to feel the pregnancy symptoms this past week, and only know it's just the beginning for the next 10 weeks!
Belly Button in or out? Out, although it still sinks in every now and then.  It's starting to stretch out even more and spread, so I'm thinking stretch marks are in my near future...
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited more and more, and exhausted!
Looking forward to: We start our Prepared Childbirth classes this week!  We will have classes for the next three Monday nights.  And my baby shower is this weekend!  My best friend Stacey will be coming into town on Thursday and staying until Monday.  Can't wait to celebrate this little guy with my family and friends!

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