Sunday, December 1, 2013

November Happenings

This month was full of lots of fun celebrations!  During the first of the month, I was showered with love from my friends and family during my baby shower!

For the weekend of my shower, one of my best friends Stacey came into town and stayed with us for the long weekend.  We went out to eat at Tivoli Village one night with our friends, and on Saturday, we spent the day at Lake Las Vegas for the biannual Brew's Best Beer Festival.  We have gone to this beer fest the past few years, and this was my first year obviously opting out of drinking and spending the day as DD!  I didn't snap too many pictures, but did manage to get one of the girls and one of Jason and I. 

I took lots of bump pictures this month!  I think the larger I get, the more pictures I take... I can't wait to see how big it's going to get come 40 weeks!

Feeling really awkward picking out baby shower favors at Total Wine and More.  It was picture worthy to get a shot of my bump surrounded by wine!  I definitely got some stares.... (30 weeks)
31 Weeks
32 Weeks
33.5 Weeks
We attended our childbirth classes this month!  We had 3 classes every Monday night from 6-9pm for three Mondays in a row.  Although it seemed overwhelming with time, it was actually quite worth the sacrifice and we did come out of the classes with some great information.  I was familiar with most of the information given, but it was nice to get an inside scoop on the hospital tips and tricks since the course was taught by an RN who works Labor and Delivery at the hospital we will be delivering at.  If anything, the course eased my mind on what are "urgent" thing to rush to the hospital for and what can wait.  Before the courses, I was constantly nervous about if I was experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions and if I needed to be concerned if I was dilating or not.  After the course, I now know, if it doesn't hurt, it doesn't really matter!!  With all seriousness... it sounds like I'll know when I'm in active labor and when I'm in false labor... so there's no sense in stressing about it until it happens!  We've decided that we do not have a "birth plan".  As contradictory as this may sound for Jason and I, it's better to go in with no plan, rather than having one and being disappointed if something goes wrong or changes (which in all likelihood, will!)  I'm not set on natural labor or an epidural, I'm just taking it as we go.  My "plan" is to go as long as I can without any medical intervention, such as the epidural, but I know I don't get a gold medal for natural childbirth, so I'm definitely not against the epi, either.  We will take the pain as we go, and I'm pretty much expecting to receive the epidural at some point... mostly for the postpartum experience more than anything!  (I'd rather not feel an episiotomy or them stitching me up if I tear).  Thinking about labor too much gives me a little anxiety.  I feel as though I'm prepared enough to know what is supposed to happen, what can happen, and what may or may not happen... and that's all I can prepare for!  Everything else, I'll just let happen as we go.  That's half the journey of labor! 

We celebrated Hudson's 1st Birthday!  The theme of his party was a Mustache Bash, and Jess decorated his party with cute mustaches and fun details.  The cake and cupcakes were adorably decorated, and Hudson really enjoyed everyone singing to just him and then chowed down on his cupcake!

Mustache cupcakes

Everyone is singing to me!?

Cute chocolate mustache favors
Jason really wants a mustache :)

Hanging out with the birthday boy!

Thanksgiving was at the very end of this month!  Unfortunately, I came down with a cold the day before, so I didn't feel the greatest preparing for the big day!  Luckily my Mom came over to help, and we ended up with lots of yummy food just as the years before.  Jason's dad also came over to celebrate Thanksgiving, continuing the tradition since we've been in our house.  Although I was sick, I still managed to eat a great amount of food... the best holiday for a pregnant girl!  

Happy Thanksgiving from Harley!
I definitely didn't venture out for Black Friday shopping this year... being 33 weeks pregnant and having a cold don't mix well for a stressful day of shopping!  Yet, Jason and I scored some great deals on Nolan's first Disney/kiddie movies!  We also picked up Ice Age and Monster's University to add to his collection.  We figured we better start collecting now... especially since these Disney movies can get outrageously priced if they aren't on sale!

Finally, I managed to get a quick video of Nolan trying to escape my tummy!  He is constantly moving, whether they are big movements or small ones, and most of the time he's rolling around or sticking body parts out of my sides.  I rarely feel kicks anymore, mostly just jabs and rolls.  I know he is so squished in there, and I feel bad for him... but he has 6 more weeks to stick it out!  Although I think I would be okay if he wanted to come a couple weeks earlier.... we don't want him getting too big and stuck in there! :)

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